My father-in-law, who died many years ago, owned some mineral rights in LaSalle County near Gardendale.  A land man contacted us out of nowhere yesterday and offered $1,000/acre on the  mineral rights on A 1037.  We do not own the land and did not know he owned any rights there until yesterday.  We looked it up on the RR website and found that this lot is included in the pool for well 283-33393, which was permitted 7/17/12.  Can an oil company just start a well, then ask you if it okay months later and negotiate bonuses when they get around to it?  Has this happened to anyone else?  How can I find out how far along this is?  Thank you!

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HA! HA!  I know I should not respond, but I just cannot stop laughing! 

Thanks, Essay, I was somewhat down when I read his response to me.


Matter of fact I am.  Thank you for the compliment. 

you're welcome, this is a service i will offer completely free of charge, especially to someone such as yourself.

Also, thanks to you, we now understand what your view of this website is: " I just wanted to know how other lease holders handled this before I spent money." (Emphasis added). 


Emphasis added:   is that asking for professional advice for free?  Really?


Yes, considering you've already retained an attorney that can answer these questions for you. BTW, those were YOUR words, written here by you in this discussion, not mine. What's next, I'm rubber, you're glue...?

BTW, you're still disparaging members of this site that see fit to do nothing else but not agree with you. No apologies yet, though.

(Thanks - in advance - for your reply)

I am going to report you,  You have no idea what you are talking about.  I have not retained an attorney and do not need to until I am good and ready.  I said I have retained an attorney here on this site in the past for unrelated property.  The rest is none of your business.  You are harassing me.  Stop!

I have reported you and Essay to Keith Mauck.  Stop contacting me. 

Keith, who has asked me on occasion to become regular contributor on this site?

BTW, commenting on a discussion on an open forum is not contacting you. I have neither written on your personal page, solicited you for work or sent you a private message.

Help Essay, we're being oppressed...

I will let Keith Mauck figure out what went wrong here. In my book, you have broken every rule of decency.  if Keith Mauck finds fault with me. fine. 

 If a person with a question such as myself, does not want contact with you on this page, if you offer no constructive advice, make fun of, laugh at, include others to form your power struggle here, and you then use a relentless "group of ridicule" by addressing me in the third person while insulting me,  then I say that is exactly what harassment is.  You did harass me and you are still doing it.  you made fun of my grammar on another site.  You called me names.  You and / or Essay insulted me there as well. 

I have been polite until now.  You can now expect the junk-yard-dog who will persue this. I will not go away.   I wish you both would.

Like I said, let Keith figure it out. 

By the way, I am a she, not a he.  English is my second language.  How dare you!   

I'm sorry, I don't believe that I made fun of your grammar. I don't believe that I called you a "he" either, your reference to your husband would have implied a "she" to me. As far as co-opting others, perhaps you have drawn the ire of others with your commentary or apparent tone - I have co-opted no one. I made reference to Essay because you kicked us both upstairs to Keith in the same post. Any comments made by others were not my doing.

oh noze i got reported for responding to an open thread, whatever shall i do??

to be serious for a second, dion (and skip for that matter) spent more than enough time and energy politely explaining the situation and you persisted with the attitude.  far as i'm concerned you get what you give.  it's nothing personal, welcome to the internet.

anyhoo, i don't know why you think we'd want you to go away, personally i think you're a hoot.  if i used proper capitalization and maybe a nice bold font do you think we could still be friends?

This is a Chesapeake permit.  When they filed the P-12 (scroll down to bottom of W-1 page for link) they did not indicate any unleased owners in the unit.  It could be, and I'm not defending CHK here, that they discovered unleased interests while doing a more complete title run and now they are trying to lease up the remaining unleased interests.  That is not an uncommon occurrence in TX.     

 I checked well completion reports and pending production reports for this well and for 283-33391, which is also in A-1037 (different unit), and there has been nothing reported.  You can find someone who has a Rig Data "locations & rigs" report for that district and ask them to look through the weekly reports since the permit date to see if the well spudded but, at this moment on RRC, it just looks like a permit.  



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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