Thanks for having this site and all who have contributed useful information.  And thanks for keeping it simple.  I have yet to figure out the "Mineral Rights"  web page but everyone advises me to keep at it... eventually you'll understand it.

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The focus of GHS, from the beginning, was to attempt to explain the complex and arcane elements of owning and managing mineral interests.  And to be entertaining, if possible, in the process.  We have had our ups and downs but IMO remain one of the best Internet sites for mineral owners to get answers and informed opinions in a non-judgmental atmosphere.  Keith deserves the credit.  Please consider donating to GHS.  Disclaimer: neither I or any other industry member is paid by Keith.  We are here because you are here.

I help keep the lights on but you all make it the helpful tool it is!

GHS is a great site. When it started it was like nothing else on the net. It was great to read the ups and downs of minerals and natural gas. Keith has done a super job running it for over 10 years. How many Internet sites last that long?

Also, I don't know of any other site like that has such a diverse collection of members - from landowners, mineral owers and industry professionals. Plus, the information is almost always good since the pros will dig into it. I don't recall ever seeing a member taken advantage of or belittled on this board.


PS: no one has ever made fun of me for picking the dumbest name on GHS. I did not check the what the letters could spell when I chose Hopeful About Natural Gas! I am still hopeful about nat gas over the long term.

I'm guessing that GHS turned 10 years old a few months ago.  Right?  Congrats to Keith.

You are correct, Henry.  June or July, 2008?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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