Trying to get an idea of going rates for surface location and a spud fee per well drilled from the location , in east Texas. IHaynesville and Bossier  lateral wells.  Thanks!

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Walker, I've waited to see if any member had experience with this subject.  I have a little but limited to Louisiana.  I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a going rate.  In my experience, each instances is unique to some extent and details matter.  In some cases there are no good options for a surface location other than your land.  If you live there, you should know most of the physical considerations.  How far to the closest public road?  Do you have water on site?  Or would the operator wish to drill a well.  You can't drill or complete a well without water.  What would be damaged?  Do you have marketable timber?  Crops?  Pasture land?  Do you rent your land for someone else's use?  Would the operator place an access road where you would prefer it?  In my experience if you don't know someone who has some experience with negotiating a surface use agreement, you should interview some O&G attorneys.  Over here the general rule of thumb is somewhere north of $5k per acre for pad and right-of-way plus compensation for damages or use of water.  I don't know if you live on the land.  If so, something for aggravation.  You will have lots of heavy vehicles coming and going, making noise, stirring up dust and ruining the public road that you will also have to drive on.  Night time lights and noise are terrible if your home is close enough.  Good luck.

Thanks for the response! PS- emails from this site are going to my junk folder- do any others have this problem?

Initially yes - just need to mark the email "not spam"

Refer to the following link to the University of Texas Lands Rate and Damage Schedule. I would consider the monetary amounts to be on the low side, so some additional research on your part may be needed.

UT Land Rate and Damage Schedule

Thanks, ETF.  Looks like a good place to start and a boon in negotiations.  I would like to see how the values compare to private compensation agreements.

Many thanks for the link!



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