note: this project doesn't even remotely affect haynesville production. but, as they say, a rising tide lifts all ships.

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That rising tide may submerge the docks...

There was a segment on C-span a couple of months ago about Russian Gas and how they're planning to market the gas they're flaring off.  According to what they said, Russia and China are making a deal for LGN, nobody really knew if there was a deal, only talk here and there, with no one on either side releasing a statement about a real proposal. 

The information they were leaning toward was for Russia to build enough LGN plants to use their flared gas, which was reported to be more NG then the U.S. produces for all it's markets, including 6 LGN export facilities that will be operating in the U.S. (2025)  LGN facilities on the west coast of the U.S. would have the most pressure from the Russians if they're able to go through with the plans.  There was discussion on how the NG market needs to become a world market to attract investors for LGN exports world-wide.

With the war going on now and sanctions, those plans are probably put on hold, or maybe not...

if the russkies ever got after building siberian pipelines to the pacific coast they could be a real game changer vis-a-vis the world lng market.

one thing holding them back is the extreme cost of the pipeline(s). it ain't cheap to pipeline up there. and, there's the matter of the many thousands of miles of pipe to get from point a to point b.

i think the chinese russian gas deal is all onshore:

I will say it is good news for those of us along the Northern Pacific Coast... normally all we do is lose jobs to protect birds, gopher, mice, squirrels and minnows that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things anyway! This will be a real game changer for the Astoria/Warrenton area of Clatsop County in NW Oregon



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