webster parrish T18 - R 10 W section 5. received June 26,09.

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Mineral owners need to lease their minerals. Mineral owners and Landman both need to have informative decisions. These Common Leasing Clauses are little secrets that are sometimes not known, or not readily given by the oil and gas industry. Alot of oil and gas companies and some of their Landman don't want these Common Clauses for oil and gas leasing known, until all the leases are signed. It takes a little free time to find this information. Most mineral owners and landman don't have free time. These Common Leasing Clause are useable in all states because oil and gas is an interstate interprise. I don't want you to get angry with me for divulging this information and where it can be found - you being a landman. Is there another place in LA where LA mineral owners can find a more informative Leasing manual than 'The Arkansas Leasing Manual' that is written by Charles Morgan - who is an interstate lawyer and also who is one of the top oil and gas lawyers in the United States. If you have a reason why I should not divulge this information - please let me know? Thank you Cary
Cary. The little secrets you allude to have been front and center on GHS for two years. They are nothing new. If you had spent any time reviewing the site, you would know that.


I will not be mad as I do not work for the industry and therefore have never taken a lease. I work for land/mineral owners and assist them in negotiating leases. You are sadly mistaken if you think that the "little secrets" you mention are applicable to all states. Louisiana is quite different in the area of mineral statutes. And answering LA. mineral law questions when you have no specific knowledge of same is potentially detrimental to our members and does nothing to establish that you have anything of substance to add to the site. If you would care to become a regular contributing member of GHS, I suggest that back up, do your homework and then start over.

You're welcome, Skip
Skip - IMO, it might prove interesting, even an exercise in thinking skills, if Cary would do us the honor or starting a discussion/debate with a link to that Ark. manual. I'm sure we have more than a few qualified, and nearly qualified, members who would enjoy a little "compare & contrast."

BTW, Cary, you might consider revising your posts so they don't appear to be "spam" (repeat postings of the same material) when you reply from one discussion and/or group to the next. This post is very similar to one you posted to Earlene. Not that I mind, but there are some members who notice such.

best - 80)
Terry L Antee - ALL Consulting 2008 Manual tells you all them ingredients.
Does anyone know how deep the BEUSA well is? It is the H. Montgomery well and has been drilling for 3 weeks or more and SONRIS still has it as a location. Also the Taffaloro well in section 33 drilling into 28 anyone know how deep it is? Both wells in 17N-R10W

HK Taliaferro 28H #1 was drilling at 10,996' on 1-22-10.

BEUSA Harold Montgomery 7H #1 was drilling at 11,026' on 1-26-10.

Excepting mechanical problems, both wells should be drilled by now although completion operations may not have begun.
Thanks Skip !
I went by the Montgomery and Taliaferro this weekend and both were still drilling, I guess they are having problems or are really slow.
Went by the Taliaferro and Montgomery wells this weekend and both still had rigs. The Taliaferro had a lot of pipe in the derick and the Montgomery was drilling. Seismic crews were out around State park and Carter road. Anyone news on depths of these wells?
HK Taliaferro was reported drilling @ 12,593' on March 5.
BEUSA Harold Montgomery was reported drilling @ 12,193' on March 5.
Thanks Skip, have a great day!
At these depths for the Taliaferro and Harold Montgomery wells, I'm assuming this is Haynesville layer and not Cotton Valley or Bossier?


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