The Greer #1 serial # 240233 is being drilled, the well pad is in sec 10 the bottom hole is in sec 15. the land owners in sec 10 signed a basic lease with no clauses under the assumption that they would get royalties off the well, they signed a few weeks before the rig was moved in. Now they have found out that they will get no royalties at all, also the drilling pad is 10 ft this is not a typo i said 10 ft from there house, the well bore is less than 300 ft from the house. this goes to show to do your home work and never trust the o&g to do the right thing tim umo

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Excellent post and explanation, Earlene. Please consider adding it to the SONRIS Help Center group page.
Thanks Skip. Sometimes my words don't come out the way I want them - the way I talk in person versus online. I know how I do things, but it is hard to get it into typed word. I will get it over there once it quits raining here due to satellite issues.
Earlene the barefooted UMO
Who got them to agree to all that? The company reps or a Landman?

Landmen do not determine the location of a well. The operator of this well approved the location and the waiver & consent agreement. A landman was probably hired to negotiate the terms of this agreement, but only with the authority of their client.

Landman = Company representative.

Don't kill the messenger.

Why didn't the landowners have an attorney review the lease, as is preached on the web site over and over again.
I don't know about these landowners, but in my family, the reason seemed that it was for the money and the possibility of having a well. I told my mother not to sign a lease years ago for several reasons. She did not NEED the money, they are not ready to drill and they will be back. She signed anyway. If she had waited, she would have gotten tens of thousands of dollars. I explained this to her. Then she signed another lease. Same thing, no lesson learned. Now, I take care of the business. Sometimes people just won't listen to advice.
I am telling you Spring, it just baffles me again and again all of these people signing these leases, hire a lwayer, hire a lawyer, hirea a lawyer!!!!!
Says they were under the assumption they would see some kind of financial reward from this well. How much land was involved here. Who led them to believe they would be compensated?
Who put such a notion in their heads to sign such waivers?
Couldn't have been the company rep (landman) who was just doing his job, right? He/she's supposedly wouldn't take any advantage of anyone's lack of knowledge. (now if they were told they would get nothing, they got what they deserve but were they??)
So would the landman be the mere messenger or co-conspirator?
We can speculate on what happened all day long. I'd love to hear the whole story from both sides, but I doubt that will happen. I doubt we'll hear the whole story from even one side. By one side, I mean the people that were actually involved in this, not the brother's neighor's uncle.

Granted, if I tell you we are drilling a well in your section, please sign this waiver. You very well may make the assumption that it will be in your section.

Whats the lesson learned here folks? Always get a unit designation plat showing the wellbore location before you approve a well pad on your property. (If you have that right in your lease).
when land owners signed the o&g said they where going to drill in their unit. they said nothing about crossing unit lines. they where also told the unit would be 320 ac unit. they only found out it wasnt untill they recieved the unitazation hearing papers from liskow & lewis 5 days after they started drilling. the bulk of unit belongs to the S.R.A. Come to find out the unit has 960 ac. the S.R.A. would not allow o&g to drill on its land so o&g said for them to drill the well they needed to be closer than 500' Tim umo
So are they in the unit or not?

I don't think I've seen a HA unit at 320 acres? What zone are they drilling to?
320 acre HA units are relatively rare but there are some.



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