SHALE GAS COMPANIES - ALL TALK, NO WALK (Why the Haynesville Won't Work $4, $5, or $6/mcf gas.)

Oil & Gas Article by Keith Schaefer

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Everytime I hear about expensive leases it makes me wonder just how much of their total leases were really that expensive.I'm in south caddo,leased in 2006 like most others out here. I got $150 an acre. some out here got less and we are in what is considered part of the core area. Sure some people got much more but when it is averaged out I wonder what the figure would be.
A crap figure because your royalty would have been much lower.
In this area of S/W DeSoto, CHK came in last year and bought boo-koo's of acreage/leases (one figure that I ran across was in the neighborhood of 5,000+ ac.) that were held by Classic Hydro-. Classic paid 'bout $125 per ac. w/ 3/16 royalty. So therefore (with one or two exceptions that I know of), the "big bonuses" were NOT paid in this area! CHK got into this game (considering the potential of the Haynesville) dirt cheap!! Furthermore, a 2 year extension was tacked on the vast majority of these 3 yr leases. I have talked to more than one person down here that didn't understand this (their fault, I suppose).

Last time I checked, out of the 36 sections in T11R15 (excluding those HBP and a few under water in Toledo Bend), 14 or maybe now 16 of those sections have been unitized with well pads either being built or completed, AND, CHK has 4 or 5 rigs up and running (drilling, of course) "even as we speak"!

No doubt, therefore, CHK is in a mad rush to drill these sections before these afore mentioned leases run out. Just thought you might like to know this. Your thoughts?
Yea, I know, Gosh,

The last time one of Whit's landmen came around he left a lease for me to go over (with attached draft at $175 per ac.), and leaned it up against the front door on the porch (as we were not home at the time). He called back awhile later and asked if I had had time to look at it and what did I think about it. I told him that I looked at what was LEFT of it as THE DOG GOT IT FIRST, and apparently he didn't think much of as he took it out in the yard and chewed it up! !

He didn't call back. Don't know why! (yuk-yuk)



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