Is it normal for well information to NOT be updated for over 30 days? I'm watching well # 240450 which is still waiting on "state potential" since 5/20....Skip.. Les..anyone?

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Thanks Baron..... I was wondering about that!
Linda, the responsibility for royalty payment would depend on the agreement between the operator and non-operators in the unit. In absence of agreement to do otherwise your lessor is responsible for your royalty payments.
Cindy, you may want review the earlier responses including Bobi's about initial royalty payments. You could contact Exco Royalty Relations (800-318-7850) if you have not received a payment by mid August.
Cindy, much of the time between a well being turned to sales and the arrival of the first royalty checks is spent in title reviews for the preparation of a division order. In general, the few ownership interests in a unit the less time it takes to prepare a title opinion. In units with a handful of owners it may take a few weeks. Conversely ...., well wait until urban drilling begins in earnest.
Back to the first mcf of gas sold.
Some leases require the operator to begin royalty payments wihin a certain period,....typically 3 months. Others don't.
In a best case scenario you should not be expecting your initial royalty payment prior to September 1. EXCO is likely still working on the entirety of the mineral titles in the unit, not just on yours which could very well be finished. Operators don't start paying each mineral interest as they confirm title on each tract. Your initial royalty check will be for multiple months going back to the first day of production.
Yes it's actually quite normal. The DNR is so backed up that the average update is around 90 days behind. It may show as a status 01 (permitted) and not have a status change to 10 (producing) for several months. There are no codes for drilling, completing, waiting on pipeline, etc. The best and most up to date info can be found in the Scouting Report section about halfway down the page on the well information sheet.
Michael. one can always check the Drilling Rig Locations group each week to see if a well is being drilled.

You need to send a demand letter to your lessee through certified mail.
It is still a little early for that... CHK runs two months behind any ways.
Does anyone have any info on the well in t 8 r 14 s 1. This well drilled into s 12. It's serial number is 241174. The last update was July 23.



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