I keep reading in all these discussions about "The Sweet Spot", does anyone REALLY and Truly know where the sweet spot is or is that a term that is meaning a general area? What is the Sweet Spot and what area is it? Does this mean all the Haynesville Shale play or is it a certain number of several S-T-R?

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Sooto's Record Shop is now Shreveport Trading Company Antiques, run by a couple of not quite yet antique women!
I sort of agree. CHK will drill 125 wells in 2009 and 175 in 2010 (unless NG price recovers, in which case it will probably drill more than 175). I bet that only 10 to 15% of the 175 wells in 2010 will be to prove/disprove productivity and 80 to 85% will be to HBP. Now, if I drill an $8.5 MM well to HBP, will I drill it in 10N, 12W (Nabors Logan 34 just came in at 6.043 mmcfd IP) or will I drill it in 14N, 12W (Blount Farms just came in at 22 mmcfd).

It seems to me that by far the most important allocation of $ will be to HBP the units in the areas of highest productivity. It adds to the 1P and to the PUD reserves which Wall Street values. New SEC rules enhance PUD reserves from one well in 2010.
Probably right. Although, I would point out that PUD reserves are part of 1P reserves. 1P = Proven=PDP+PUD.

"It adds to the 1P and to the PUD reserves which Wall Street values."
Mmmarkkk, don't forget that develop will also be paced to match the availability of new gas pipeline takeaway capacity in 2011 & 2012.
Actually, I think if Pipeline takeaway is an issue that companies will choke back existing wells to allow for new wells to enter the system and hold more acreage.

so, if I have P/L capacity for 20 MMCF/day, would I produce one HBP well at 20 MMCF/day, or would I choke back that well to 5 MMCF/day and allow 3 other wells choked at 5 MMCF/day to flow into P/L and hold 3 more units HBP??
I agree. I would think the focus will be to drill units and HBP.
Mmmarkkk, small correction but the original core area was in Denton, Wise & Tarrant Counties. Also, Johnson County provided the opportunity for other companies (Chesapeake, XTO, EOG) to enter the play and accelerate the rate of development.
Agree with Les. It was never Dallas. Only late in the game did CHK lease DFW Airport property, but it is not considered Core. Also, in the Barnett, there is Core, Tier I, and Tier II. Plus, most of DFW Airport is in Tarrant County.
Thanks for that catch. You are both right. My bad.
James Melton loved to gamble. Period. His Friday night poker games upstairs at the CUB were legendary. And in one winning Vegas weekend he won enough to build the store on Barksdale Blvd. that had the new company office in back. The story was that James' poker playing buddies would run the bookkeeper off and drag all the paper work off her desk every Friday afternoon and proceed to play until early morning. Of course I was far too young to play in that game. I did sip a Sloe Gin Fizz downstairs when I was 15. But I really craved a Batman at the Carousel. And I never once feel down the stairs. Hah!
Skip/Jay do you remember the name of the liquor store that was located where the pool room is in the CUB? Yes, I know the answer and it is not Thrifty Liquor.
No, Spring Branch. I can not recall the name. I do however remember Jake and TJ. And I'm still waiting for Jay to tell me the origin and meaning of "Sooto". I'm surprised no one has given him the name of the music store yet.


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