I believe we may have an operator.  I received a Pre-Application Notice yesterday.  Petrohawk is giving notice and designating the unit HA RA SU152.  The map in the letter says Proposed Haynesville Zone, Reservoir A Sand Unit 152.  Pardon my ignorance but why the word sand and not shale?  Thanks.

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Call it a Shale Unit if you like Ronny. Oil and gas production in LA. is over one hundred years old. And all those historic producing formations were "sand" (ie., relative high porosity and permeability that allows hydrocarbons to flow to a vertical wellbore). The Sand Unit is an organizational system that has no real bearing on what type formation is being produced today. It's just a way to organize drilling units within fields.
Your most recent Haynesville Play unit map shows 32 unitized sections in T15N-R14W. With this Petrohawk application for Section 29 that would make 33 units. The attached Sonris unit map shows 10 non-unitized sections. Would you please post your list of the 15N-14W units by section number, operator and unit designation. Also, do you see any significance other than in-fill to Petrohawk moving into the non-unitized section gap between Chesapeake and Encana in southwest T15N-R14W? Could they be looking for units with both Haynesville and Bossier shale? Many thanks for your help.

A very high percentage of drilling and production unit applications are granted, few are denied. My list and Snapshot map are not only the orders issued but those that have been applied for but have not yet been heard at public hearing. The SONRIS township grid only shows those units which have been through a public hearing and been approved. In 15N - 14W:

Sections 1-4,11-16,21-24,26-28,34,35 are to Chesapeake.
Sections 9,10,17-19 are to Goodrich.
Sections 5-8 are to Fossil.
Sections 25,36 are to Encana.
Sections 20,29,20-33 are to El Paso.

Petrohawk's protracted financial difficulties caused them to have numerous drilling units that were isolated and not part of a development block. They have been playing catch up recently. If you look west just across the township line you will find a Petrohawk unit in S36 - 14N -16W. If you do likewise southwest you find Petrohawk units in S1,2 - 13N - 16W. Due south in 13N - 15W you will find S5. Major operators strive to group drilling units in development blocks because it is more cost effective. What is important it that as many units/sections are contiguous as possible regardless of what township they are located in.
I believe your list of units is for T15N-R15W rather than T15N-R14W. Many of the sections you listed currently have Encana, Camterra, EXCO wells. I don't think there are any Fossil, Goodrich or El Paso wells in 15N-14W. ???
Robert. Nope, not 15N - 15W, I was looking at 14N - 15W. My apology. Les has the correct list below. Keep in mind we are not talking wells here . We're talking drilling and production units. There is a major difference. A number of unit orders are held by companies lacking the expertise or financial ability to drill a horizontal HA well. The unit order will remain in their name but the wells will be drilled by a different company that they designate as the unit operator.
Now that we know you sometimes have to make a minor correction the rest of us regular folks don't feel so bad. Have a great weekend. Thanks again.
Ha! Will do Robert. Who Dat! & Laissez les bon temps rouler! What a weekend! The Krewe of Centaur Mardi Gras Parade and the Super Bowl. Have a good one yourself. Oh and by the way, long time members have seen me make other corrections not so minor. LOL!
Robert, here you go:

S1-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUX Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S2-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUY Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S3-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUZ Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S4-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUAA Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S5-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU155 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, Caddo Parish
S6-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUH Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, Caddo Parish
S7-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUI Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, Caddo Parish
S8-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU150 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, Caddo Parish
S9-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUS Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S10-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUBB Unit, Camterra, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S11-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUF Unit, J-W, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S12-T15N-R14W, HA RB SU85 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S13-T15N-R14W, HA RB SU88 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S14-T15N-R14W, HA RB SU89 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S15-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUG Unit, J-W, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S16-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU106 Unit, Exco, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S17-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU58 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S18-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUJ Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S19-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU86 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S21-T15N-R14W, HA RB SU90 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S22-T15N-R14W, HA RB SU91 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S23-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU73 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S24-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU74 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S25-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU75 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S26-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU54 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S27-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU76 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S30-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU57 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S31-T15N-R14W, HA RA SUUU Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S32-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU130 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S34-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU77 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S35-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU78 Unit, EnCana, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S36-T15N-R14W, HA RA SU131 Unit, Chesapeake, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
Les and Skip....
You guys should form a business to provide all the free help and operational data you have so kindly provided for what, going on 2 years now? I would gladly pay a fee for what you do. Many thanks. Robert
Thanks, Robert. I certainly can't speak for Les B. but I learn a lot from him and the other industry members and also from our non-industry members. I get a lot of satisfaction when a member who joined and had little or no knowledge uses what they have learned over time to help others. It's nice to know they are paying attention and building the knowledge that will benefit them in managing their minerals. That satisfaction and interaction is all the compensation I require. Well that and a little land work on the side. LOL! For those who appreciate what so many bring to the value of the site, I suggest making a donation to GHS. After all, it's Keith's hard work and vision that have brought us all here. Thanks, Keith.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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