Hey San Augustine….. It’s TEXAS Hold’em!!!!.......No Limit!!!!
Are you in??? The stakes are HIGH!!!
The bet to San Augustine is $5000….and 25%
San Augustine raises $5000….and 5%
No bluff here!!!

THE SHOWDOWN: San Augustine’s winning hand…..a ROYAL FLUSH!!!!
You hold the cards….. Now use that….. Fabulous….. “Poker face”!!!


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Uh oh, Cheerleader has been watching WSOP re-runs, again.
I vote that this thread be deleted. GHS should be a Lady Gaga free zone.
i second that motion, this should be a "gaga free" zone !
Motion carried. LOL!
Some may need to read between the lines for true meaning as to what is being said. GoshDarn, you remember that gal Mooncookie? I had to pull out a dictionary and use google just to halfway understand what she was saying.

As for gambling, Pineville had a town drunk, when I was a kid, that was as wide as he was tall, he read the meters for the water department. Everyone knew him as Tinymite, he was kind of like the drunk Otis in Mayberry, when he was picked up by the Pineville Police he was put in a jail cell but they left the door open. One time when be went before the judge, the judge sentenced him to ten dollars and ten days, Tinymite came back to the judge with, I'll see you ten and raise you ten, this went back and fourth a couple of times and Tiny was sitting on forty dollars and forty days, Tinymite told the judge that he would have to fold cause the judge held all the cards.
"I may look like a woman, but I think like a man." - Dolly Parton

Wonder how she's doing these days?

Still well endowed in every way.

Yes, and she also endows well.


And as only Dolly can say it, she wanted to “put her money where her mouth is – and with such a big mouth that’s a pretty large sum of money

Wonder if Lady GaGa ... or the ladies of San Augustine ... have similar plans. Back to topic ...



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