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Hi John, I'll have to go check my map. Its at the office in BR. I'm sure that is one of them the other in that area was the Sobers well. I went on that site one evening and they were trying to re-establish circulation after a bit change. The driller called into the supers trailer and told him he was having trouble getting the pump to pick up the mud because he had so much gas in it and he had 6" of oil on the mud pits/tanks. The Flex line up in the rig was whipping out of the derrick. I later went in after the rig left and found a piece of the formation in the drilling debris. So at that location they were washing up formation not drilling it. Are you close to the Spurgeon?

Three hundred feet north of our north side.  I do not remember the name of the one that was just south of our 160 acre section.  Thanks for your response.

John Lann   EBR

Was it the Klinepeter?

Could be, it just not ring a bell.

John, I scouted the Klienpeter well. I went in one evening and there was a seismic drill drilling about 200-300 feet from the rig. I made a comment about I wondered which would get to the Tusc first. The super told me they were going to do seismic on the well. They did and the charge they used collapsed the well bore. They then moved the rig about 300-400 yards and redrilled. At that point I stopped following the progress. I could not get a good look at day to day operations. I've never seen any other operation do this. Anybody have any idea why they would set a large dynamite charge off close to an unlined well bore? 

Sounds like operator was running a check shot survey in the wellbore. Normally done with either dynamite (shot holes) or vibrator trucks. Lower sensor down hole to record / receive the energy events from the seismic sources (dynamite or vibrator). Use this data to tie seismic events to subsurface events / rock layers more accurately.

Major screw up if they were close enough to collapse casing.

Thanks RockMan, That is what I thought. But, I had never seen that done before that test nor have I seen it since.

Joe,  I remember that right after our property was lease, before a drilling rig was set up on our neighbors property, they did some soundings like Rock Man described.  I think it had to be dynamite because they had to let the neighbors know what was going on. 

John    EBR

PS:  I wanted to reply to your message but did not see a reply button.  Sometimes I see one and other times I do not. ????   ( and not just yours )

That's just the way the site is set up. After so many replies the reply button runs out.  Its not your computer, its just the way the site is.

Lately the incidence of disappearing reply buttons has increased.  I've emailed Keith and he has recognized that it is a problem.  He will work to fix it.


The other thing that seems to have occurred re: the reply buttons is that the dropdown and comment block started acting squirrelly for a bit - didn't want to work.  I had to futz around with it a bit (laptop has Windows 10) and eventually got it to start behaving again, but for a while there...  Was this also a known issue?

Not sure, Dion.  If you notice it is a continuing problem, let me know and I will point it out to Keith.  At least the reply buttons are back.



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