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I well remember in the Sugartown Field circa 1998 sweating a 10,000 lb. blow out preventer that was holding back 20,000 lbs. while waiting on a tanker of extra-heavy mud to arrive in time from Houston. It did, and the well was saved. But in the end, it was just another marginal produced like so many others. Then all  that pressure contributed to the four guys killed at the Temple 22 #1on March 4, 1998 when the Masters Creek area was at it's high point. It shook the operator so bad it sold it's position in the play and headed to north Louisiana and an entirely different formation.

One little cravat. If you were then going to drill the AC around Pitkin Field and surrounds, you had to use the Nabors 19 rig. Anybody else, and you had a very high probability of an underperforming well or no well at all. I think it is a high probability the oil and gas are down there in the Austin Chalk in and around Pitkin and points further west, hopefully all the way to the Brookline Field in East Texas. But expect it to be problematic getting them out of the ground. 

thanks RM, very informative PDF.  Obviously gallons of water used varies drastically (5M-17.9M) with varying degrees of success.  Hope EOG exit doesn't dampen the entire play, as other big players are just getting started (conoco/marathon) will exercise their own approaches and completions..Reservoir physics are obviously involved in success/failure.

Look at water and proppant volumes per treated foot of lateral - that is where you start to see trends. Lateral lengths highly variable.

Plus there are some areas where the AC just doesn't work. 

I think there there may be some misunderstanding regarding EOG.  The fact that they may be seeking a buyer for the portion of their acreage in Avoyelles and Saint Landry does not necessarily mean they are abandoning the LA AC.  The way I read it is they are shifting their development focus geographically.  Last I heard they were still buying leases, just no longer in those two parishes.

<The way I read it is they are shifting their development focus geographically>>>

"Go west, young man."--Horace Greeley, American newspaper icon

"Go north, drillers" - EOG management

The True "Motherload" is South of the Shelf. I don't understand COP buying all the acreage above the Shelf. I hope they have good luck But I don't know what they are looking at.

That’s exactly what we were told by our Lessee,, being in the down dip below the shelf moves you from tier 4 of a drilling program to tier 2. For whatever that means, I took it as a positive inflection .. fingers crossed on action in 2018. 

Joe, I and the other readers are curious as to the logic and facts behind your comment as to location of the mother lode.

Thanks for expanding on this opinion

That sounds reasonable Skip. Does anybody have any real concrete evidence about what is going on? Is it possible that it is just a rumor to get people like me with an unsigned lease sitting on their desk to move out of fear?

The intel is good in my opinion.  It makes sense if the key is to drill the chalk where there is little natural fracturing.  That appears to be EOG's prime consideration.  Other companies may have a different opinion.  If the other companies are serious about focusing their development below the shelf, they may be buyer's for the acreage EOG wishes to sell.  Until we see more exploratory wells,  we will have to wade through a lot of speculation and arm chair geology.

Well RM and Joe not sure about facts but  their geological logic was explained.... as the formation dives off the shelf southward it becomes thinner and more tensible/stretched with depth,  less natural fractures but much more vulnerable to the frack process.  But with that being said,  also exposes mechanics to xs-heat and and much narrower landing zones presenting further challenges......  All sounded reasonable to my geological ignorance, as I work in the medical field the only Rocks i see are the dark green ones (gallstones) we see when take a gallbladder out.  just hoping for a test well in northern evangeline with promising results on perm/porosity etc.... all the things you guys have taught me here on GHS.....



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