I have received several notices from this Bank regarding natural gas Wells.  However, after notifying the Oil Company to explain to me what these notices are for, they have not answered me.


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What is being noticed?  A recent court ruling made a mortgagee (a financial corporation) liable for the actions of their mortgagor (a well operator).  Is this letter addressing a mortgage?

Hi Skip,

I made a mistake and typed One Bane Bank but the correct name is OneBane Law firm.


Hi, LN.  The law firm you mention handles applications for units and alternate unit wells for Chesapeake.  The process requires a notice letter be sent to all mineral and surface owners of record within the boundary of one or more units and those adjoining to a distance of 1000' feet.  Most applications regarding Haynesville Shale units are seeking approval for alternate unit wells and their spacing within the unit or units.  Occasionally the application is to form a new unit but that is fairly rare.  Law firms such as Onebane perform this task for all the operating companies active in Louisiana.

Thanks for the info Skip.  I don't know why they wouldn't explain this to me.


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