I kinda liked Crowley's choice, Blue Moon. But, I may also go with a Guinness Draught.

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Nice Monty Python reference!
Why did they limit this to a beer conversation?
Author's prerogative, BD. If you would like to discuss other libations .........., no on second thought, let's not go there. LOL!
My question, precisely... Yuck!
I dislike beer... a taste I have never aquired. I can drink it if it's really, really, really ice cold but it's just not my beverage of choice.
Well... I don't drink anymore but I've known many guys who drank on the job. All of them, if caught, got fired. I don't know a single employer that doesn't fire a person who drinks alcohol on the job. Thinking that's a pretty good rule in this case... what ya ya think?
Laman. I think you are right. I also think it best that you not read my punchline of kj's page.
Come on Skip, you never sat down under the old oak tree with a Lessor and a cold one? I bought one lessor a case of Chimay Blue Label, very expensive and my favorite, he drinks Bud but wanted some Chimay to give out to his buddies at beer 30. This was a special Lessor with thousands of acres.
Two Dogs. As an old hand you know there are exceptions to every rule especially when thousands of acres are involved. And a special lessor should get whatever libation they fancy. With a hearty Cheers.
top of the morning to all !!!, now skip, if you were to say that about budweiser, perhaps i could go along with that. but to say shiner bock is like water??? i have to disagree. i suppose mabey they export the "water bock " and keep the good stuff at home. skip, what state were you in when you drank this "water bock" ?


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