Elmwood Operating Forms Two Austin Chalk Units in the Port Hudson Field, E Baton Rouge Parish

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Here's a look at the other two Austin Chalk wells operated by Elmwood.  Both were originally drilled as TMS wells.

Organization Id Organization Name
Cnt Well Serial Well Name Well Num Status Class Class Type API Number Org ID Field ID Permit Date Sec-Town-Rng Parish LUW Association
1 224735 AUS C RA SUB;W C PARLANGE 012 10 17077205340000 E8806 4799 22-AUG-00 048-05S-09E 39 GO TO LUW INFO 22500
2 229811 AUS C RA SUB;IVY J MAJOR 005-ALT 10 17077205550000 E8806 4799 28-JUN-04 035-05S-09E 39 GO TO LUW INFO 22000

Interesting move by Elmwood on these two old TMS wells. Plugging back and frac'ing the AC in vertical hole.

  • IP results not bad on the one (293 BO, 1961 MCF and 520 BW per day).
  • Other well had frac screen out early and only IP'd 140 BO & 948 BW per day (no gas reported / but there has to be some).

Will be interesting to see how production goes moving ahead - early water rates may be frac fluid, but AC is also known for high water.

Very high operating pressures here - adds to the complexity.

Recompletions like this may end up being economic - but highly doubt that this will lead to new drilling targeting AC (laterals, fracs. etc).

Judge Digby Field, Pointe Coupee Parish next door has some interesting AC wells.

Well Ser Well Name Well Num Status Class Class Type API Number Org ID Permit Date Sect Tshp Rng Parish Mer Lease Num Total Depth
220433 AUS C RA SUA;A F HARMON 001 23 17077202550000 L206 04/21/1997 016 05S 09E 39 W 21000

Well Ser Well Name Well Num Status Class Class Type API Number Org ID Permit Date Sect Tshp Rng Parish Mer Lease Num Total Depth
224735 AUS C RA SUB;W C PARLANGE 012 10 17077205340000 E8806 08/22/2000 048 05S 09E 39 W 23235
Well Ser Well Name Well Num Status Class Class Type API Number Org ID Permit Date Sect Tshp Rng Parish Mer Lease Num Total Depth
229811 AUS C RA SUB;IVY J MAJOR 005-ALT 10 17077205550000 E8806 06/28/2004 035 05S 09E 39 W 21946


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