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Oil still flows in the Austin Chalk

01/01/2013 050956 1 200 434 241 380 254 POINTE COUPEE

John where is this information coming from? I read a report that clearly stated the well was shut in.


These reports are old. If you look at the date on these reports they are from Dec. and Jan. You may be correct the well may be shut-in now. The well was only producing +/-15 bbls a day. Not a barn burner by any means. Probably not making enough to cover expenses with a big pump on it. 

Great.  The numbers are better too.  My guess is that there is some poor reporting going on.  Entries seem to get changed or are delayed for extended lengths of time.  But that is positive data.  It is definitely not "shut."  Perhaps, it may further increase.  At least Anadarko has learned something.  Sort of like they are learning how to take the kinks out of the hose and let the flow have a chance.  Who knows?  Still good news.

It is clear the Austin Chalk bears oil. Just need exploration companies to learn how to tap into and extract in it.

That is a good thing to know.  I had about given up on Anadarko and the "chalk."  Yet, it is still not the kind of well they want.  At 434 barrels of oil, that is but 43,000 or so barrels a year.  Not the barn burner they wanted.   But even so, it is still in production and the rate is improved.  Those are good omens. 

We will have to wait to see what the next month produces.  If it keeps up or improves that will be a good  thing for Pointe Coupee.  It may mean someone else will take a chance and do it right.

I checked the SONRIS Lite and they had the updated numbers.  It seems that they are not updating very well (no pun intended), those are January 2013 numbers.  So (a) the well could be shut in or (b) it is still on line.  The reporting appears to be about 3 plus months behind (Jindal may not be paying on time for his people to do their work, or just plain lazy).  I am sure if it were gushing along, the reporting would be more timely, but as it is, it seems to be second, third or 43 fiddle in the orchestra.

15 barrels a day ain't much, but I see pump jacks around here that operate a few days a month.  Nobody has pulled them up yet, so they just sit there.  The area I am talking about is around Springtown, TX which has a batch of new Barnett Shale gas wells and a few still pumping on occasion oil wells.  So they seem to keep going on maybe 40 barrels a week.  Makes you wonder.  Tank truck comes by maybe once a month and fills up and drives off. 

I would guess 15 barrels a day probably produces a total return of a half million dollars a year.  In Anadarko's world that is about spit.  So it if is shut in, makes sense.

Real time production reporting is not possible.  Excepting the initial months of production SONRIS L/U/W Production figures are always two months behind.  February production should be posted in the next week.  No one is lazy and as far as I know the state has not laid off or reassigned any of the staff though that appears to be in the works.  Only those unfamiliar with O&G databases in other states could possibly complain about SONRIS.  It is the gold standard.

I hear ya.  But I can not understand why one month is report zero and then a couple of months later, the same month is reported some production, like 400+ barrels of oil.  While SONRIS may be the gold standard, and that is good to know, but that  just does not seem right.  Ergo the semi rant.  We live and learn.

When dealing with oil and condensate production that is not tied to a pipeline you have to keep in mind that operators may choose to transport the liquid every other month by tank truck.  For example if the well tank battery capacity is 500 barrels and the well is producing 200 per month the production report may show zero for one month and 400 for the subsequent.  There are other reasons why production may be interrupted for short periods..  When the governor lays off half the SONRIS staff reporting time will lag for all categories then complaints will be in order but not about the staff's work.


It could be any number of reasons why Sonris is a little behind. I don't know what the reporting requirements are to DNR so it maybe APC is not reporting the monthly figures until they get them from the field and tabulate them. Could be 60 days or so to get all of that together. So actually they maybe timely. Just not REAL timely........ LOL.......


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