This is a Comment by William C. Morrison 2 hours ago that I copied from the Comments section to the Discussions area. Would love to get input on what you guys think about the Bonus and Royalty.

What about Pointe Coupee Parish.  We have a feeler from Anadarko regarding Lacour Field (or at least it is an undefined field with a Pennington Well on it on Lacour property).  No mention of unit size yet.  Since first conversation lease money went from $150 for three years to $175 plus options for two more years at $75 per year with a royality of 20%.  Now they have added a royality of 25% for below the Austin Chalk (which would be the Tuscaloosa Trend).


We have not signed up yet but probably will do so.  The place has been leased on and off for more than 60 years.  This is the most activity in about 15 years or so,


Once had about four acres in production and did well, then the well sanded over and stop producing.  Now the well is capped and closed off.


Do we know there are minerals down there.  Just waiting for price and technology to get to it.

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Looks like the well site is up there in the coffin corner where the Old River Levee meets the NorthWest Spillway guide levee.   It truly is over there near Batchelor but quite a distance from the Batchelor store/Post Office.  I wonder why they named it LaCour Field vice Morganza Field since it is in the midst of the Morganza field area.  I guess because the target zone is Austin Chalk and not Tuscaloosa Trend.


Our proposed lease includes a provisio for Tuscaloosa Trend in that the royalty below Austin Chalk is 25% while in the Austin Chalk zone it is only 20%.


We are getting close to signing.  Just some land area checks being researched.

Hi William

I am now curious about the naming of the field Lacour verses Morganza. I have been looking for maps of the Morganza units but cant find any. Any leads to where I might locate them?

OGML signed yesterday in Pointe Coupee.  Last time it was 1996 or so.  Basically, the same people.  Then it was Union Pacific Resources Co, that has been absorbed by Anadarko.  The leaseing agent was Basin Properties.  And to quote a line from Harry Potter, "And now we wait."

Where is the lease located section, township, range? Looks like increasing evidence that Basin is working for Anadarko. Good luck to you hopefully the wait wont be too long.

Just read in the New Roads Banner where Heckman Water Resources (CVR) has applied to the Louisiana Department of Conservation for an application to process Exploration and Production Waste fluids treatment and disposal facility.  It will recycle fluids for use as "Frac Water."  It also includes a deep well injection into the subsurface.  Injection wells are not new to Pointe Coupee but the term "frac"is.  So it appears that there is plans afoot to frac wells in Pointe Coupee.  That is good news in that it is apparent that there is going to be some significant drilling activity will occur.
Great find William! I have been trying to get information from the Banner but it does not seem to have an online addition.

Craig, go to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and open SONRIS.  You may have to down load some software.  I use SONRIS Lite.  Fields like Moore-Sams, Morganza, False River are the result of the DNR unitizing the fields.  Moore-Sams is unitize into basically sections, but not oriented with the Township and Range system.  I mean the units are all a square mile - 640 acres.  It stretches from Ventress (Jumonville wells) to Stonewall Plantation (Wilbert Well).  Stonewall is owned by the Wilbert family and like Angeles, Brunswick, Sugarland plantations all are along the Mississippi River to the west of New Roads.


I do not believe the LaCour Field has been unitize by the DNR yet.  And I anticipate a fight in that the oil companies will want a long and narrow unit, perhaps 50% bigger than the standard square mile.  That is because they are drilling horizontal out as far as a mile.  That improves the possibility of increased production but reduces the participation of the land owner.  Smaller units are better for the land owner.


The Morganza, Moore-Sams, False River etc fields are all in the Tuscaloosa Trend and are basic verticle gas wells.  They do produce some oil and condensate but mostly natural gas.  That is a different strata than the Austin Chalk, ergo a different field.


The Morganza Field starts just south of Morganza and stretches east towards New Roads.  Wells on LaBarre Plantation are considered to be in the Morganza Field.  They are generally producing from a strata at 17,000 plus feet down.  That is well below the Austin Chalk strata.


Angeles Plantation along with all the farms along the Mississippi River predate the Township and Range system.  So one can just say it is section 2 of Township 5 W, Range 4 E.  Those places were laid out in the 1700's before Louisiana was a state or before there was a United States of America.  Thus they use bearings from the compass and are measured in Arpents, not feet.  So a title description is a lengthy document.

Hi William I found some maps. It looks like the (not yet proposed) Lacour field and the Morganza fields are on opposite sides of the spillway. It does look like the strata of choice for Anadarko is the AC. Looking at Anadarkos recent unit filings I expect future units to be larger and odd shaped based on geology and not geography.
You are right about the geology determing the shape.  But count on the land owner to have his input.  True the units probably will may not be square but rather an elongated rectangle.  Even, so with that shape the units may yet be only 640 acres in size.  The Louisiana Department of Natural Resouces will make that determination, not the exploration company not solely the geology, not solely by the geography and not solely by the land owner, though all may have some input into the final determination.  And that is why we have a lawyer to protect our interests.
Since you have someone looking after your interest could you please post the hearing date and location when it is made public. I have been watching the DNR site but I am afraid that I might miss it. Thanks


That is one of my concerns. These are supposed to be Geographic Units and the companies are relying on geology. That is incongruous as far as I'm concerned. 

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