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Thx guys,  just keeping a watchful eye on the play! 

Don’t know if this link will work but you should find it interesting. Nothing new but good hype. I like good hype!!!

I think Kirk has already issued a correction on his blog to some of this.  There appears to be no reporters left in LA media that have an in depth experience with the oil patch so you get thrown together facts and quotes that appear relevant to a reporter with no basic grasp of the subject.  And Kirk is right, the excitement in Lafayette is largely limited to the land community at this point.  Landmen had been short of work before the new AC land rush.  I suspect that the field service companies in the Lafayette region are watching developments closely with their fingers crossed that the AC will turn into some work for them also.

A little off topic, but this past weekend I heard a newsroom hypster use the term "aluminum steel" when "reporting" on the Trump tariffs. One could not have made it up any better.

Sure is quiet out there.

Yes OS,  really quiet around here..... we need some wells to be permitted and some spudding!!!! 

With companies making mistakes like EOG did we are already dead in the water. They made every mistake in the book drilling AC and invented a couple of new ones. Until we get someone that understands AC and how to drill it we are in for a rough ride or is it no ride..

EOG is probably the best AC driller as to Hz frac wells right now. Their experience and results in Central Texas are second to none. I would say that they are the best company to be initiating drilling AC Hz Frac wells in Louisiana right now.

Just my opinion

Simply, they don't know what they are doing. They, like Anadarko and Pryme have screwed the well up

Again, is the AC over there the same stuff as over here?

On comparing / contrasting the AC from Central Tx to Louisiana (or anywhere else along the trend), it is safe to say that "it is similar in some ways and different in others".

I know companies like EOG, MRO, Encana and others have obtained a lot of subsurface info related to the Austin Chalk reservoir in terms of detailed P&P factors, geomechanical properties, geochemistry, mineralogy, etc. This is done thru a mix of modern logs and most importantly core and cuttings analyses.

The basics are the same as to general mineralogy, depositional facies, porosity and perm trends and relationships to source (both external and internal) plus O&G migration pathways.

If you take a company like EOG who have this info from Texas, their regional technical staff reached out find the "next C Tx area:. The fact that they picked their spot in Louisiana says something about a positive correlation between what they know "works" and what they are now trying to figure out with exploratory drilling.

EOG has massive experience in doing regional studies and working the integration of rock and logs to develop subsurface models for prospecting. They are not always successful - their Pearsall Shale (S Tx) and Goodland Lime (E Tx) are two examples of "failed plays".

But as one of the leaders in regional work based exploration. I would watch EOG closely as to what they are doing in Louisiana.

Side note - I am not an ex EOG staffer but am an O&G explorationist with over 40 years of experience with moth large and small companies. My respect for EOG is rooted in how I have seen other companies make plays over the year.

But, as always, this is just my opinion on this whole issue.

I agree with you rock man. If anybody can figure it out EOG wii do it. They are testing methods right now. Again you don’t want to be first to get a well. I am afraid we might be next in line and I am not excited about it, I would rather be drilled about two years from now.



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