Jack Blake's Blog (5)

Waiting on the Division Order

Jack Blake's well has been opened since about Oct. 18, 2010 and still no DO or entry in sonris on the production rates.  My GHS contacts have told Jack the well data

30/64" choke flowing at 15 mmcf/d and FCP dropping rapidly.  So far they must owe Jack over 10k in royalties........YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCRIEDJACKBLAKE

Added by Jack Blake on December 16, 2010 at 15:00 — 5 Comments

Jack Blake's well is producing! The Matthew Murray #21 Jack Blake's timeline

What do ya know. Back in about late 2007 early 2008 Jack Blake started getting letters about leasing his 20 acres. The offer letters were from Cobra type companies. Jack called a couple of them on the phone and they did not return Jack's calls or he would have been leased for like $100-$200 per acre. Thank God Jack didn't lease to them.

In June-July of 2008' CHK offered $4000.00/acre and Jack jumped on it not knowing what to do and not having the GHS network as a resource. Also not…


Added by Jack Blake on October 28, 2010 at 14:00 — 3 Comments

how have you helped people with HS $?

Jack did not get rich, but it sure is a windfall. Lately Jack has been leaving $50.00 in hotels on his last night there, whether it is for one night or 4. It does not matter how many nights he is there. He leaves a note in room with $ that says tip for housekeeper. Jack figures those Mexican housekeepers probably really appreciate the cash. They probably make about that for a days work.

Think about it..............If you got an extra days pay at your day rate, would you like…


Added by Jack Blake on October 3, 2010 at 15:00 — No Comments

A little more info on Murray #21

Jack found out these two tanks on the well site are standard procedure. They have one tank for water and one tank for condensate/oil even if the well is a dry gas well.
Jack found out the frac was 13 stages in a 4000' plus lateral. That has got to mean this well will be killer (at least that is jack's thinking).
I am still beating the bushes to find out what the IP was.
Please post it here if you hear anything related to this well.
Jack Blake has blogged

Added by Jack Blake on July 16, 2010 at 14:04 — 3 Comments

Section 21 t10n r11w MattheW Murray #21 current status

-Jack Blake wants to keep up with this well and hopes others who have interest in or knowlege of will post.

-Today Jack learned that the well was flowed back within the past couple weeks and there was a big flare burning. Yeah!!!!

Jack passed by the well today and talked to some hands whjo were going to replace the wellhead. They said the well had been chemically plugged and was in the process of being pressure testing to 17000#. The hand who told Jack this really did not know jack… Continue

Added by Jack Blake on July 12, 2010 at 9:49 — 1 Comment

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