Skip, Les, and Jay, I have been following these 2 wells on Sonris and I am puzzled by the updates (or lack thereof).
The first is the Means 25 #2 (serial #239656) . There has not been an update since 7/29/09. I've never seen a well with no updates for that long. All it says is "turned to sales". Can I assume gas has been sold? I haven't been able to find any IP numbers either. No state potential either. What's your read on this? A dog or a monster that Exco wants to keep quiet?

The second well is the Murray 24 #1 (239643). Another Exco well. Sonris lists it as "rig up Trinidad132". Does that mean the Trinidad 132 is being erected? Is the Trinidad 132 a lateral rig?

Any help would be appreciated

Tags: #1, #2, 24, 25, Exco, Henry, Means, Murray, Ulysses

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BD, yes the Means well has been put on production. Sometimes it can take several months for information to begin appearing in Sonris.

Yes, the Trinidad #132 Rig has been moved on location to drill the horizontal lateral for the well. Petrohawk has used this practice quite a bit but I think this approach is being phased out.

If it's a dog, it will be EXCO's first.
I know. They do seem to have the frac business down. I'd rather the dogs be on someone else's property however. Maybe it can eclipse the San Augustine "ultra monster"!
Ultra mobster was on a very big choke.

If you dared open a Red River 9,000# FCP well to 37/64 choke and draw the pressure to 6,800 FCP, you would get a BIG NUMBER!!
Thanks Les. Kinda what I thought on the Murray well. I've seen other Exco wells where drilling has been suspended waiting on the lateral unit. I thought that might make for a better well to specialize in certain operations but it does seem more costly. The lack of info on the Means well did have me puzzled however. Thanks again.
BD, basically they can use a smaller 1000 Hp "spudder" rig to drill the vertical section and then come back with the 1500 Hp rig with top-drive to drill the lateral. As rig contracts have expired I think most companies have only the larger rigs in their fleet. Using one rig should allow for shorter drill times and lower costs.

Look at Page 20 in Exco's presentation.

Average operated IP rate of 24.8 in DeSoto Parish with IP rates from 20.5 to 30.1.

One Caddo Parish completion IP'd at 10.4.
Big Daddy, 239656/Means 25 #2 reported a Well Test for 10-01-09. The test indicates an IP of 10.094 MMcfd on a 18/64" Choke with 4400# Flowing Pressure. There are a lot of wells on SONRIS with the most recent Scout Report date being 2 to 3 months old.
XCO has said it does all IP's at 20/64 and 24 hours. It reported today that it has no DeSoto well below 20.5 mmcfd. So I wouldn't put much emphasis on the test. A number of XCO's wells test much below the first month average daily production rate.

I agree with Parker, give me an XCO DeSoto well.
W.R., Parker, Les, and Skip, thanks for the great info. I can let the family know whats going on so far now. And Parker, I might take you up on that trade as I have only a sliver of intersest in that well. Oh wait, nevermind. Thanks guys and girl.



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