Lot of leasing posted in the Sabine Index (Many, LA) listed under Clerk of Court Records - main player seems to Chesapeak - township 8 and a few in T7 and a couple in T5 - What is the take on this - good spot or just worth looking into . . .

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Shaleee, you need some ranges to go with those townships for us to know the specific areas you are mentioning. Section-Township-Range. I was in the Sabine Parish Clerk of Court's record room last month and I was impressed with the number of landmen. IMO, 2010 will be Sabine's year. We will have to wait for well results to be sure how good the shale is but I expect there will be more than enough drilled this year to establish the value of the northern part of the parish.
Skip - 6-7-11
8 leases in 8-7-13
Is there a pattern here?

The two in T5 were timber deeds - sorry will be more careful - too many in T8 to add
No apology necessary. We appreciate the information. Petrohawk applied for a HA unit in one of the 7N townships (I do not recall which, Les B. will) and then canceled it not long ago. They may have gotten a little ahead of themselves but it makes sense that leases are being taken in the townships you list. The formation of units and the drilling of wells are quite often several years behind leasing. Those mineral owners in the 7N townships should probably spend 2010 keeping their fingers crossed that the wells drilled in the 9N and 8N townships are good ones and support the expansion of the Play further south. There are a lot of sections further north that must be drilled in 2010 as those lease terms will be expiring. Patience is in order.
Thank you Skip - you are a God send to those of us who are clueless - I have printed so much info that I think I can use when the big day comes. Might know just enough to be dangerous to myself. That canceled application was in S20 - 7-?
You're welcome. Now is a good time for members with minerals in Sabine to do their homework. A good place to start is on the SONRIS Help Center group page.
Anything in 8-13?
SWEPI HA units in Sections 1 & 2. No wells as yet. Leasing has been underway south of Converse since at least mid-year 2009. Late 2009 leasing reported from Belmont to Noble.
Shaleeee, any idea who is leasing tin T5, what ranges / sections they are leasing, and how much the leases are going for?
Sorry Jason - Section 27-5-11 is a timber deed Bailey Timber to Roy Martin Lumber Co and the other just says deed and that is S11-5-11 - from one person to another - I should have been more careful when reading (with a magnifying glass)
Shaleeee- I have minerial interest in sect.5, T9N-R12W in Sabine Parish and had been following the leasing activity posted on the on-line version of The Sabine Index until they changed the format recently. Are you able to view the legal info on-line, which includes the leasing activity or is it only available on the printed paper now? I live out of state now but sure did enjoy reading about the leasing activity in Sabine. It was with great joy to see my sister and nephew leases as being recorded even though I have not been so lucky yet.....(hint, hint Skip).
waltcop. I haven't taken a single lease in the HS play. I don't work for the industry. I have helped quite a few clients with lease negotiations. Spring/Summer 2010 will be an important period for Sabine as the first wells are completed and announced. Keep your fingers crossed. The second quarter corporate conference calls should bring the first results. Those reports typically occur about five to six weeks after the end of the quarter so the first week or two in August should end the suspense.
Skip, thanks for your response......I appreciate your inputs to the GHS, they are very helpful and I thought if you did draft/take leases as an Independent Landman I would like to talk with you.
Keep up the good works and again, Thank You.


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