Swepi (SHELL OIL) and their phenominal Haynesville Shale track record!

This has been touched on a little bit lately, but I believe it deserves a great deal more attention. I have seen Chesapeake and other operators cussed and discussed on this web site hundreds, maybe thousands of times. However, the one operator that few people talk about, but should probably have more disdain by the mineral owners of Northwest Louisiana IMHO is Shell Oil, you know......ROYAL DUTCH SHELL.......one of the largest international oil companies in the world.......probably the company with the deepest pockets of any company operating in the Haynesville....you know......that company operating under the code name SWEPI ( if I had their track record, I'd want a code name to operate under too) We have 10,000 or so members on this web site. I'd like to pole the membership to find out how many members (and non-members too for that matter) have actually received a royalty check from this company. I would like to know how many members are proud of leasing to
Swepi. I would like to hear from the folks who are happy with the way Shell Oil is developing their mineral estate. I would like to hear from people that think taking over a year to lay a pipeline to a well in their section is a bit much since the other operators seem to be able to do it in a matter of weeks. I would like to hear from folks who think it is rediculous to take 4-6 months to drill a Haynesville well, while he other operators have cut the time to drill down to 40-45 days. I would like to talk to a mineral owner who doesn't think that Sir whatever his name is over in Europe should fire the whole team in charge of the Haynesville and replace them with a group who has some idea what they are doing. My personal perspective is that Shell (SWEPI) should either get serious about developing the Haynesville or sell it to Encana and get the hell out. Who out there even knows where Shell's Field office is anyway? Do they even have one? I've never walked a picket line in my life, but in an effort to embarrass this large International Oil Company based on their incompetence, I'd be willing to walk that one!..............if I knew where they were!

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Thanks, I will. No answer at the other number.
I thought Shell OIl was connected to Hugo Chavez and his government. Don't they have ownership? Or is this another Shell? He would probably like to mess up production here.
You are thinking of Citgo.
I'm looking for a phone number and address for swepi in Shreveport or their office that covers the Haynesviille shale too. I have a couple of questions for them and an offer to supply them with water.
For those of you who don't know anything about shell they are flowing 15 wells at aver 100 mmcf a day. Also by no one knowing much about them here in the shale that's exactly what they want. At first they had a little trouble drilling but now there on a roll. I look for them to be the most profitable in the shale.
moondawg. You seem to know a lot about Shell. Think you can spare bagger a phone number?
I don't know if this is good news or not after reading the 5 pages of this discussion but a well has been permitted in our section by SWEPI. Sec 34-12-9 serial # 240978. Got a letter from their Houston office about leasing, we are unleased, through our attorney stating that they expect to spud approx. 4/7/2010. Is there anything you can tell me about this well. There doesn't seem to be much to go on in the Sonris information. They have made offers but we haven't signed yet.
Thanks, Jeff
Jeff. I wouldn't be too concerned as who drills is out of your hands. I suggest that you focus on what you would desire in the way of a lease. Terms and conditions. Your well has not begun to drill, it's just a permit. You are in a good position to be patient and wait on some developments. You need to spend some time learning the SONRIS Lite database (instructions in the SONRIS Help Center Group here on GHS) and tracking the wells that are drilling in your area. There are no nearby completed wells but there are some key ones that will help determine how good the shale is in this area of the Play. To your north, Encana's B O Jones Sr. Est, Serial Number 240625 and to your south, Encana's John Mondello Serial Number 240253. I suggest you go to the SONRIS Help Center, link below, and download a master copy of the township grid. Use them to indicate drilling units and wells in your general area. Let me know if you have any questions or need a little help.

Thanks Skip,
I'll take your advice anytime. I need to try to learn more about sonris. We have contracted an attorney to protect us on the lease, if we do sign one and we hope to. But we are taking the slow approach to all of this. Don't want to make any major mistakes.
This is great news. It's just that SWEPI has been so slow off the mark, and so slow to report on sonris, that everyone's confidence in them was fading. Now that they are getting wells on line, and we are starting to see reports on sonris, my confidence in them is growing. I hope they have a long, successful run in the Haynesville Shale.
They do pay. My sister just recieved a check last month. Well#238761. It takes time. The other wells will follow soon.
Any change of getting a list of the well now producing? My mother-in-law tells me there is some activity around our well #239011, but can't get any info. I'm a 1,000 mile from the site.


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