Trinidad Rig #124 is rigging down and on the move. Looks like both VIRGINIA PACKERT 6 H and 7 H have reached TD. 

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Les, I notice that some of Encana's permits they have let expire so I guess just bc they apply for another well(s) or even get a permit it doesn't mean they're going to do anything. I've tried to run the numbers on what they have in terms of ac, what they need for hbp, and how fast/much they're drilling but it's very difficult. I wish they and other companies would post those things but I suppose they can't for many reasons. It's funny bc when an operator needs investor/stock money they talk it up yet stop short of the intricate details which is pretty funny and also frustrating.
Parkdota, during the 4th Qtr conference call EnCana indicated that have a plan that could allow them to HBP all their acreage in the next few years.
FRAC is going on now for 6H & 7H
Jay, I don't know about 6 & 7, but the rumor mill in north Desoto area is saying that Sec. 9 is a 19mcfd well. Nothing on Sonris to deny or confirm. Until it is posted, rumors will continue to fly. Also, Encana is utilizing their new frac methods, so perhaps these wells will come in better than previous. Only Sonris can tell
Perhaps Susie has info about the seismic tests. I do not know any management people in the seismic companies, however, I do know management in some of the gas companies and they have told me several times that all of 14/14 was very good based on seismic info they had looked at. I think Susie did the caveat when she said it was all dependent on the frac. Sonris is so far behind that no one knows what 19 or 9 of 14/14 is producing. When info is slow to come, rumors fly. Everyone down here has a dream ( I am no exception). We look at the negative news on the economy everyday, but we can still dream about striking it rich in the Haynesville. Makes us all feel special. Sometimes ancitipation is more exciting than the reality.
Just read the numbers for T14N-R14W. There have only been 7 wells reported as completed on SONRIS, the average IP so far is 13,002 MCFD, with the lowest at 8064 MCFD and highest at 16,677 MCFD. So far southern sections have a higher IP.

T14N-R14W maybe a top producing area, however we just don't have the data to say ya or nay. Information from management people and a $2 bill will buy a cup of coffee.

Just drilling!

FXEF Sonris is so far behind it isn't even funny. Sections 9 and 19 (according to landowners in those sections) have great wells. Info on them is just not posted. Only time will tell. Let's check on Sonris in about 8 wks. I will mark my internet calendar to ck. it then and post the info for you. I have confidence in my sources
Schlumberger has finished the frac process on both wells. Waiting on pipeline.
Pipeline right of way negotiations were just completed 10 days ago. Pipeline will run down Red Bluff & intersect with one that crosses Long Rd
Pipeline negotiations have not been completed. Wells in 6 & 7 are waiting on pipeline.
More seismic testing (company #4) doing tests in sections 6,7,8 now
FXEF, do you have any information on what to expect from production on these wells?

I don't think they have started flowback yet, as there is no place to send the gas. Until gas starts to flow, there is no way to know what to expect.



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