Any info on 23-12n-9w...just curious. Pad and rigs all around but still I am unleased. If anyone has any info on this area let me know!

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Fngrs, I do not have a good explanation why certain sections have been bypassed. It is likely there are no leases expiring in your section in next few months. Sustainable Forest appears to be a sizable acreage holder in the section so it should be developed eventually.
I am not in your section, but I am in your Township and Range, we are in Section 34. Where is your property located at?

If you would like I can give you the name and phone number of the person who signed "us" for a lease. Our neighbors were only contacted in April 2010 to lease their land. Our land was leased in June 2008.
Where is 34? I am on hickory grove road
Sec 34-12N-09W includes part of the Mt Olive Rd (close to the north end of it), off Hwy 71 south of Coushatta. That section is where the Evelyn Nelson well is located (#290178, spud date 3/10/10). Since a considerable portion of your section (23-12-09) is under the lake, perhaps that has something to do with the lack of current development there. We, too, are on the Hickory Grove Rd (Sec 22). To quote Jack Blake on GHS, "Long live the Haynesville Shale".
RRG, attached is a map to go with your description.
Les, for some reason I am unable to download your maps. I have tried on several different discussions and no luck. Adobe pops up and nothing.
Jeff, maybe if you right click on the link and "save target as" will work.
Regarding my comments of 5/21/10: Oops, the SPUD date for the Evelyn Nelson well should be 4/10/10, not 3/10/10. I also addressed fngrsxnpd wrong, too. Left out the "n". Of course, that's a hard one to type! Couldn't type well that day, I guess! Apologies for the typos.



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