"NEW ORLEANS—A federal judge in New Orleans has blocked a six-month moratorium on new deepwater drilling projects that was imposed in response to the massive Gulf oil spill. "

Tags: Gulf, Judge, blocks, drilling, moratorium, offshore

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it always comes down to a game of parsing syntax with you, now i remember why i quit bothering.
What evah, buh-bye.
what, no witty reparte about arrogance or crystal balls and snow globes? seriously though, we both know any conversation to be had about this issue will rapidly devolve into your head spinning off in the unending crusade to defend this administration and it's failed policies.

btw i can just see the looks on the faces of all the folks who work on those rigs when they get the temporary career reassignment papers from the feds "dear sir or madam, while we are busy destroying your industry in north america, please call this number (1-800-JOB-SRUS) so you can be told where to receive your shovel and garbage bag."
lol, Thanks for the chuckle. To threaten that I might "lose credibility" with you & whomever ... right.

The industry is SUPPOSED to know what they're doing, no "suggestion" needed. They know who they've hired, knew the risks involved. I mean, they ARE the experts.

The government is charged by the citizens to keep tabs on what industry is doing so that the citizens are protected. I'm sure the government has hired some experts in the last 10 or so years. The previous WH resident was, after all, from an O&G state, right?

I view it as a concerted effort. But there are those around here screaming about what this administration ISN'T doing, all the while yelling they DON'T know what they're doing. They're hollerin' for someone to STOP the gusher and PREVENT further damage and economic loss, all the while shouting that drilling should CONTINUE even though we don't yet have conclusive proof of what the failure was on the rig. At any rate, I'm sure industry is telling their people to slow it down drastically so they don't draw undue attention to themselves. The BP CEO BBQ probably had them all saying, "Glad it wasn't me!"

I'm not suggesting anything, I'm not the expert. I just want the experts to stop the carnage & havoc, and for somebody else to make sure that the probability for another is reduced significantly.

I want as much of OUR energy resources produced for OUR use as we safely can recover. And that involves working together with, not against, each other.

have a good day 80)
You can not "idle the rigs and keep them in place". The rigs will go where they will get paid.
And you can believe that any company that is drilling in deep offshore waters will be much more careful about safety procedures. They do not want another Deep water Horizon problem.

As the Judge said, let the drilling resume.

Obama and his appointees know about as much about deep water drilling (and any other kind of drilling) as I know about brain surgery, or anything else for that matter.
Thank you, Bird Dawg. I imagine the companies are now taking extreme precautions.

As for the "brain surgery" part, you're preaching to the choir. I see it everyday ... those who are not educated or have no professional experience in a given field intervene and tie the hands of those who are. If only the "brain surgeons" (in both government & industry) were trusted & allowed to do their jobs, trusted & allowed to do what training & experience tells them would be best practices, then we'd be in a better place on many levels.

best 80)
If only the "brain surgeons" (in both government & industry) were trusted & allowed to do their jobs,

There still needs to be a fear of consequences for those experts who abuse trust. BP could and should become a good example to keep the rest of the industry honest. Punishing the whole industry with a ban will do no one any good..
sesport, what have you ever brought to this web site in the form of useful information? All I've ever read for months and months are potshots and opinions, and quite verbose opinions at that.
Spring - As far as I can tell, this particular page is full of opinions and potshots. Is there a new rule around here that disallows opinions? Is there a limit to the wording? Is there a rule that says when others take potshots one is not allowed a comeback or to defend oneself? Are you the new "comment" sheriff in town now?

I've posted about ng vehicles, posted info back in the Health & Safety group, the S. Caddo Parish group, had a nice discussion going on about selling minerals, posted a blog about some legal opinions and water concerns, etc., etc. I've been here for 2 years now, you want the bibliography?

If I'm supposed to apply, with some kind of credentials, for membership and be vetted, give me a link to the application. And if you'll refrain from making personal attacks on me, I'll do likewise for you.

best, sincerely 80)
Essay, Oil companies have over 30 million acres of public lands (onshore) under lease that they aren't drilling.
quantify for me the amount of reserves of those 30million acres vs. the acreage and reserves that are hands off. onshore.

then explain to me how onshore numbers are relevant to offshore numbers in the context of this conversation.
"I'm shocked. Shocked there's gambling going on here."



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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