Is there anyway online to find out who is the operator of a unit. There are three companies in our section and the one that applied for app. is not the one staking locations. sc 20 11n 13w

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Section 20 = 11N - 13W is a Petrohawk Unit.
Thomas, here is the complete information for your Haynesville Unit.

S20-T11N-R13W, HA RA SUQQ Unit, Petrohawk, Spider Field, DeSoto Parish
If one of the other companies drill before Petrohawk dones how will that work.
They won't because they can't without Petrohawk's permission. Petrohawk holds the unit order for the HA Zone.
Couldn't another company be preparing to drill some other zone?
Absolutely possible but I believe Thomas is thinking of a Haynesville well. Many sections have HA Units to shale operators under assignment with shallower units still being produced by the original lessee.
Would the Bossier Shale be considered the same as Haynesville. All three companies are shale operators and one has already staked location for what they said would be hayneville well. The other contacted me yesterday about thier surveryers coming on my property to stake a location. This imformation is coming from good sources not people in the field working.
Thomas, the Bossier Shale formation and Haynesville Shale formation are both included in the Haynesville Unit so operated by the same company.

The second company may be looking to use your section as a surface location for drilling a well into the adjacent section.
Keep in mind that the surface location (staked site) doesn't tell you which section will be drilled from that pad. There could be three operators with surface locations in the same section but only one of those operators would have the state authority to produce from that section. The other operators would be drilling into adjoining sections where they have operator status. Keep in mind that with horizontal wells the surface location in irrelevant to royalty payments. It's the location of the perforations in the wellbore that count.
If they drill into another unit for prodution. Then we would not recieve any royalties is this correct. If so how does that affect out lease. Does that lock the current lease or not.
Thomas, correct - you will not receive any royalties from a Haynesville Shale well with the horizontal lateral drilled and completed in another section. But this well would not hold your lease. Only a Haynesville Shale well drilled and completed somewhere within your section (unit) would hold your lease.
depending on the lease, any well drilled that produces could hold the lease, not just a HA well.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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