I have a question for someone out there.

My wife has 132 acres in a unit that has started drilling.

When it was leased she and her siblings owned 1/3 intrest on the property. Since then her uncle has passed. He was never married and had no children.

When her uncle became sick he hired a "Golddigger with home health care to take care of him whenhe became ill.

After his death we learned that he willed everything to her, including his share in the 132 acres.

We tried to seelk legal help but was denied or they said we could do nothing.

My question: If he did not specify the minerals went with the property, can she still claim the minerals.


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Louisiana has never thought highly of wills. Before the mid 1990s they were really looked down upon, that is why I asked when he died. If no one contests then things will fly, if someone bitches thats a different story.
This property was cut into quarters not thirds. MD 1/4, Bobby 1/4, Galen 1/4 and the other quarter would be your wife and siblings. That is the way 2 timber deeds read. Things are too far back in time to pull the old stuff up but the oldest that I can pull up is a Cash Sale from Annie Helen into MH, Bobby and Galen. This would have cut it into thirds, maybe the timber deed were wrong. I didn't find an OGML on Galen.


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