does anyone have any information on fault lines in southern part of play. township 11n range 11w

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BUMP. Has anyone heard any more about these possible faults? There are half a dozen sections in this part of 11-11 that have not been unitized. Has anyone else heard of a reason?
I am curious about the Bienville Parish area. There is alot of seismic activity going on in areas where they have already done work. I did hear that they are looking for faults. Any news on T15N9W,T16N9W?
There is a major fault in 15N - 9W which runs through sections 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36. There are five minor faults in 16N - 9W. Instead of attempting to list all the sections impacted, post what section or sections you are concerned with and I'll let you know if a fault is present.
2D, Jay. My reference is the HK EUR Core map.
Do you know anything about Secs 5, 7, 8, 17, 20, and 29 of 11N-11W? None of those sections has been unitized. I know the Petrohawk map shows faults in that area. Do you know anything else? Thanks.
One fault in 5 & 7. Another through 2,10,16,20 & 30. That is my interpretation of the HK map for 11N - 11W.
Skip, RE: Bienville Parish

Would you comment on the south half of T15N-R7W and the north half of T14N-R7W as it relates to future exploration, drilling, faulting, etc. Questar is active in T15N-R8W and CHK is unitizing T13N-R7W.

Could anyone comment on the fault lines in san augustine county? Thanks for any help
What makes you think there are fault lines in San Augustine, WYK?
john, there are no Haynesville shale drilling units nor applications in the townships you mention. Also no HA wells permitted. There is a 2006 Cabot Hosston well in 14N - 7W that drilled to 14,100' which may be sufficiently deep to be a HA penetration. The log for that well is on file and anyone, or more importantly any energy company, could examine it for the presence of the shale. On the Petrohawk EUR Core map this area is marked "Not de-risked" which I take to mean that there is insufficient evidence to make a call on the shale. I think Petrohawk is as knowledgeable as any operator concerning this area and if they don't know I think it likely that no company does either at this time. If CHK turns in some reasonably good wells in 13N - 7W, that may stimulate some step out wells that will help to define this area of the play. However my concern is that the interest in acquiring and drilling new areas of the Haynesville Shale Play is slowing dramatically and that many companies including the larger players have all the shale on their plate that they can say grace over for some time to come.
Thanks for the comment - $3.77 gas price does not encourage much exploration!
No Haynesville units or applications. No non-unitized Haynesville wells or permits. There is a 2006 Cabot Hosston well that drilled to 14,100' in 14N - 7W that may have penetrated the Haynesville. If so there is a log on file that any interested party could review for evidence of the shale. The Petrohawk EUR Core map labels this area as "Not de-risked" which I take to mean that there is insufficient data to make a call. And Petrohawk has a lot of data from this area. If CHK makes some reasonably good HA wells in 13N - 7W there may be some interest in step-out wells to better define the area. My concern would be that the Play is slowing and even the major shale drillers have more shale currently on their plate than they can say grace over. We may have to wait a while to see this eastern edge of the Play defined.



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