I just noticed that two SWEPI wells:

  Rocking G Farms 30 H (#241592) and Rocking G Farms 31 H (#241552), both in 11/12 have recently been completed and have reported IP's of over 20 million/day.  Both wells have Status Code Description # 37, which is "Shut in waiting on market".  What are we dealing with here?  Shut in waiting on pipeline?   OR   Shut in waiting on better price?  I had not noticed a Status Code 37 being used before.

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SP--- this confirm what some has said before you can frac and shut in a shale well without harm not like some sand and lime formations if shut in will likely lose the the well.
Adubu, most gas wells can be shut-in if needed without losing the well.


I have been a WI owner in three different wells that were shut in after fracing. (sand wells).

Every one was dead , I mean dead, when they tried to bring them back online. Never made the first dime on any of them. I guess it was operator problems. Swab, swab, swab. Nothing ever got them back up to their IP.

SB, it could also be related to downstream treating facilities also.  Any of the three reasons would seem possible.
Depending on terms of the lease, it would seem that "shut in awaiting better price" might not be allowed.
SB, I agree - price is not allowed under lease agreement for avoiding a lease expiration.  My reference was only related to the State reporting. 
Understand, Les.  Thank you as usual.
they can pay you shut-in royalties for a number of years can they not to continue the  lease assuming this is first well and no other well are HBP your lease.
Adubu, shut-in royalties are only applicable when waiting for a pipeline to be installed (ie lack of marketing facilities).  "Lack of market" is no longer applicable in regard to the US natural gas market since you can always sell the gas at some price.  
Les B--- It's amassing the reasons the operator can come up with to keep it shut in and pay a few dollars a acre each year for a few years. # one-- they simply do not construct pipeline to flow it to market until they desire
SB I have no idea what the leases read and am having trouble opening them from the DeSoto web site. Market could be a condition. What if CHK owns the pipeline and is trying to scalp them? I ran up on a deal in Sabine Parish where the owner of the pipeline wanted to charge us $1.50 a thousand to run the gas for just a few miles. If it would be me I would want my Lessee to make the best deal on my part. You only have "X" amount of product under the ground so why take a screwing.
What, CHK trying to scalp someone?  Say it ain't so!


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