Just found this permit application for Lacour 43.


 PUBLIC NOTICE - - - In accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana and the particular reference to the provisions of LA R. S. 30:4, and the provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-B as amended and adopted by the Office of Conservation of the State of Louisiana Anadarko E&P Company LP P. O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251 832-636-3315 is applying to the Injection and Mining Division of the Office of Conservation for a permit to dispose of producing fluids generated from oil and gas production by means of an injection well, which is identified as Lacour 43 SWD Well No. 1, Serial Number (NA), with the injection interval at an approximate depth of 3365 ft. to 4395 ft. The well location is Section 43, Township 3S, Range 8E, Lacour Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. All interested parties are hereby given an opportunity to submit written comments no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. Identify the well when corresponding. Direct comments to: Office of Conservation Injection & Mining Division P. O. Box 94275 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 Re: Comments for SWD Application 4513457-aug 9-1t - PUBLIC NOTICES/CONSERVATION


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I used the Royalty Calculator and at 3000 bbls/day @ 20% royalty on 60 acres in a 1900+ acre unit, the royalty owners income would be over $900,000 per year for the 60 acres. If you use 800 bbls/day the yearly income would be a little less than $200,000 per year. I hope this puts the value of the minerals in perspective. The true value in either case would be in excess of $20,000 per acre to sell the minerals or royalty. At least that's my opinion. Is this guy in a unit that has been drilled or is drilling?

See attached ‘oil income estimator’ .  It’s not exact, but should provide a
good idea of what the estimated income would be for the life of a well.  It’s
based on a typical Austin Chalk production decline curve that I found and the calculations are based on
continuous production with no shut-in periods.  It has three different scenarios
so that you can do some comparisons with the production rates, oil price, unit
size, etc…..Inputs are shown in Red. What do you think, is it close after you input ur info.


Thanks Robert......... Nice post.

Nice.  Is it interactive?  Can you change inputs and see results?  Gives one a dose of reality of just what a well income is like.  Not millionaires over night but very nice supplementary income.


You can change any of the figures in red. When you hit return the program immediately gives an answer.

Yes Joe, its on the AC shelf in the Dupont LA area. They hit  oil there in the early 90s. 1500 bopd. But after 3 months the checks stopped.  The excuse was wrong mud. Not sure.  However Anardarco recently went back same area. And they screwed up.  My friend has a Crwfish pond right by it 1/4 mile. And he cannot pump water out  the well cause they did something to drop the water.  Now they are doing two bopd. My friend chase down the oilguy from the gas station and right before he got to the lease. He tlak to him , hes said two barrels. As of now. They have to spend more money to go back in and fix the FU. Thats why i think they are have  large chokeon  that Lacour well 3000bopd to pay for screw ups.Im only guessing. Andarko want tell us sh%t. shhh quiet

wWilliam yes it is interactive. Inputs are in red.  Your welcome Joe



You are the second one that's said that Anadarko has screwed up the fresh water in the area. I had someone call me yesterday and say the same thing. That's hard to believe. Someone needs to investigate that; both for the industry and the locals that depends on the water in the area. 

Which well is down to 2 bopd? 

Now the 3000 bopd well. The pressures indicate that that well is capable of producing at that rate. However, They risk collapsing the formation at that rate if they have not done a gravel/sand pack. That's my opinion. 

The "Dupont" area is on the island side of False River (in side the horseshoe).  I would estimate it is roughly 12 to 15 miles as the crow flies from LaCoure #43.  I recall a rig working on that side of the river (that is how the lake False River is referred to - river) roughly across from Mix, LA.  Inside the horseshoe was quite an play for a while with four or five Tuscaloosa Trend gas wells.  I do not think any of them are in production any more.  They were all on Jumonville properties.  We had a small piece of property across the river from that well but we did not lease, not worth it.  And it never produced any thing to my knowledge.  But then, it could be yet another well in that area probably a bit more to the south.  There are some 1,600 or more wells drilled in Pointe Coupee.  LaCour #43 is just the latest well.

Dupont is a prominent family name in Pointe Coupee, not unlike LaCour.  Pointe Coupee court house records go back to 1771.  Pretty old settlement.

No this is Dupont LA, By Plaucheville, By Cottonport no where near False River. Thats 60 miles away. I know Tray Jumonville.  He always had money. I will findout more about the well. It may be the one Prymes is  discussing. ITs not far from the Turner Bayou/ Bayou Jack.



Can you share info about your friends well?  How deep, how old?


Is this the well you are talking about...Moncrief.. 1997.   It was the last time we had hope in Avoyelles, but it fizzeled and all the land man packed up and left.

It actually drilled under and crossed the later path of one of the current deshotels wells.



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