Horizontal well now proposed for state line area in Claiborne Parish

As reported this week by The Haynesville News and reported independently by North LA at another discussion group on GHS, T. S. Dudley Land Co is proposing a 1045-acre drillimg and production unit consisting of Sections 6 and 7 of T23N R5W of Claiborne Parish.


A legal notice in The Haynesville News says the well will have a likely measured depth of greater than 17,000 feet so it is almost certainly a horizontal well and the shape of the unit indicates the horizontal leg will be in a north-south direction, as seems to be usual for such wells. The hearing before the LA Department of Natural Resources is scheduled for August 9.

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The area of interest for SWN is mostly south of hwy 82 except from the Columbia/Union County line to east of the airport west of El Dorado (about 10 - 12 miles), they have done some leasing up to 3 - 4 miles north of 82.  I know several people in this area that have leased and I think that the airport acreage is included. 




I'm glad to see them draw the BD southern boundary almost as far south as Homer in Claiborne Parish, but from the amount of leasing in West and East Carroll Parishes it seems that the BD may extend much further east than they show. I imagine it is going to take some actual drilling to really define the boundaries.


It looks like they drew the boundaries with a crayon.  I do not think anybody knows for sure yet.  But is fun to be inside the crayon for now.  Time will tell.  

This just in from Les B. on the Brown Dense GHS discussion group:

"Southwestern has moved the DeSoto Drilling #20 Rig to the Garrett 7 #H1 Well in Claiborne Parish.  The rig spudded the well on 12/6. "

Here we go!

Good Luck to all!

SWN reported on Dec 19, 2011 that they are drilling below 7500 ft in the above Garrett 7-23-5 H well.


The LA Office of Conservation reports as of 1/12/2012 that 9 5/8 inch casing has been set to 9800 feet in the Garrett 7 H  #1 well.


This would agree with the report of 1/10/2012 by SWN at an investment conference in New York that they had drilled to the top of the Brown Dense and were ready to begin taking a complete vertical core of the formation. in preparation for designing their horizontal leg.

Update on the vertical AIX wells in East Haynesville/Oaks fields of Claiborne:

Hardin #1 and #2 in S28 T23N R7W, still waiting on completion.

Garrett L&T #1 (serial #244046) in S36 T23N R7W, 5.5" casing set to 12217 feet 12/5/2011.

Camp et al. #1 (serial #244071) in S35 T23N R7W, permitted to 12500' 11/07/2011, spudded 12/6/2011.

Camp et al. #2 (serial #244209) in S35 T23N R7W (abt 3000' west of Camp #1), permitted to 12500' 12/16/2011.

As of 12/22/2011, AIX received a permit for its 6th vertical well in the East Haynesville field:the E. Crump Estate #1 (serial #244244) in S9 T23N R 7W, permitted to 12500 feet. This well is less than a mile from the Arkansas line, and about 10 miles due west of the Garrett 7-23-5 H well currently being drilled in the Lick Creek field.

AIX continues permitting more vertical wells of depths sufficient to test the Brown Dense in Township 23N Range 7W. The latest permit for AIX is the Merrit et al. #1 in S14 T23N R7W, permitted to 12500 feet on Jan 10, 2012. This well is less than 2 miles from the state line and about 8 miles east and slightly south of the Garrett 7-23-5 H well.

Skip, can you give an update on the drilling progress of these AIX wells?  SONRIS Lite seems to be far behind on this.

 Last Friday's report:  Justiss Drilling #20 reported 12 days drilling @7652' on the E Crump Estate #1.  AIX has added another rig to their drilling program, Basin Drilling LP #104, which reported Rigging Up on the Camp Etal #1.  It caused me to look a little closer at AIX.  Live Oak Energy has assigned all of their wells to AIX.  Originally it was just the SMK wells.  AIX is involved in litigation with D&S Oil & Gas.  IMO there is no direct reason relating to the LSBD for the drilling of these wells.  They are more likely being driven by the change in ownership as it pertains to development rights and litigation. 

SONRIS Lite is not useful in tracking drilling as it occurs.

any update of the Justiss #20? I have the section just to the north of the well.


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