A happy day for America A sad Day for Democracy and Capitalism

I know this will probably get deleted and My Profile may also but here you go. Today was a triumph for some and a slap in the face for others. I am so sad that america has chosen this path that are for fathers faught so hard to protect. We have been lied to as american people. Democracy and capitalsim must come to an end. This may not be the end but a chapter in the book of History of this great nation. My Faith is in god, that he will not unleash anything we cant handle. This is the tourning point of what many of us know as normal. America is about to experience change, change that many of us want and many us dont. I dont understand the change, and I think none of us do. There is an empty spot inside of me with today with questions spinning around it. I just dont understand america, I just dont understand. He told you it was about to change, every time you read his name it was "CHANGE". I can promise you one thing, you may not like the change but he was honest, it will change! Yesterday is history as tomorrow is our future and our future will Change. God bless this great country, God Bless Democracy, God Bless Capitalism, God Bless Americam, God bless Barack Hussein Obama, God bless us all.

Bill G

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"America has by far the most poorly informed, poorly educated, and fearful population in the industrialized world. Heavily armed morons will never safeguard anything." (Quote By John Clifford)

I got an idea mr Clifford.....You give me your address and I will mail you a plane ticket to where ever you like as long as its not in the 50 states, so you can fly the He** out of here if you have such negative feelings toward the people of this great nation(And dont come back). This country may have issues but it is still and always will be the best dang country on the face of this planet. If you were talking this non since anywhere else they would shove your nose to the back of your face where it belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just how bigga boy are you JC ?

Every time you open your pie hole and spew filth , you reiterate the reason of why I am not a liberal. You even make liberals look good to an extent. Quit talkin nasty you jerk. There are people on this site that dont care for your type of vulgerness. Not to mention its against site rules.I would hate to see you get baned even tho you havent added one single thing that couldnt be lived without.
John Clifford, Could you put me in the hospital? Could you put Snake Stewart in the hospital? Could you put Earl in the Hospital? Could you put KB in the hospital? Where do you come from? You are a nut that talks BS that don't mean beans to what is being discussed. Your ramblings tote the image of an uneducated person that tries to use ideas of others to formulate your opinion. Where will you go from here?
John Clifford,

Speaking of children, I taught mine BEFORE HE WAS 5 years old, that some people find it necessary to use filthy language because they are inept at expressing themselves otherwise.

Most intelligent children can express their ideas without name calling and filthy language.

Are you not capable of the same?
I bet there is no doubt in your mind that you meet that requirement, huh?
And sounds like you think a lot of us wouldn't, huh?
Shows what you know.
Easy Parker, That fellas shorts is all bunched up.

Mr. Clifford,
You have every right to rebutt any and all comments made to or about you.Just try and be civil.Thats not asking too much is it ? I have been in several shouting matches on this site and at no point did any of them accomplish any thing of real value. Sometimes those nerve endings get exposed and tempers flare.Thats a part of life. We are family here. Disfunctional as all get out at times but still family none the less. If you dont want to be put up for adoption I suggest that you tone it down about 9 levels. I can hear a lot better when someone isnt screaming in my ear.Have a good one. ...And check your blood pressure for Petes sake, You are about to have a stroke man.

I guess he will claim to put me in the hospital also.
Take a look at Bill G's rebuttal above. It is he who first made the physical threat.
You may want to rethink that IQ requirement Johnny. If it has a grandfather clause your in trouble.
Permalink Reply by John Clifford 9 minutes ago
Take a look at Bill G's rebuttal above. It is he who first made the physical threat.

When you tell someone to eat poo, you arent exactly takeing the high road. Mr. Bill G didnt say he would do anything. Re read his post.

Mr. Bill G is high spirited , as many of us are on certain issues and you have tap danced on those buttons.The first ammendment gives us the right to free speech. It doesnt however free us of the consequences of said speech. If Mr. Bill would have picked you out of the crowd and talked to you in the manner that you have talked to him, rest assured that someone would have said something to him as well.
John Gifford,
Defend youself with those two guns you have. At least while you can buy ammo for them. You need to buddy up with Dumpin McGehee.
Your to smart for those silly comparisons. You might want to wait and see what the Big O does before you get carried away. He has got a lot of difficult decisions to make. He has already change his rules on lobbyist in the White House. What's up with that.


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