I was at a lunchen today with a speech given by a VP from Petrohawk. It was an infomative talk about the HA. He did say that the Hawk and CHK are partnering up on some wells, and are trying to work together instead of creating competion in the leasing game.

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You'r a great guy and have a lot of great info. But why be a smart ass to people that don't deserve it? Some people are just wanting some help, and they are being honest in that they don't necessarily understand the process in general. I doubt if Granpa is gonna drill his own well. Can't we try to give him good advice?
I answered his question.

He stated that " We have money set aside to drill down to areas we reserved that would interrupt the perscription."

Sounds like he wants to lease, but wants to make sure prescription is interupted more. If he leases he can't drill his own well. Read the appropriate post before you beat me up....
Gosh Darn, Gosh Darn, You are growing on me. I think you saw where I was coming from. Thanks.

Some time dem dar succers,

don't see where I'm comin from.

but I am fer erybody thats got some shale.
Ain't beating you up buddy. I read the appropriate post. I just said some people may need a little more help than others. Catch my drift?

We have a lease in place with Petrohawk. It expires with the minerals Aug , 2010. We sold the property in Aug 2000. I just wanted to get someone's opinion about how agressive Petrohawk would be on drilling in or Section. We held money back just so we could drill to the reserved depths to interupt the perscription.
Granpa, they will probably drill you. By Aug 2010 prices may have gone out the roof. They don't want to deal at a shalers price so they will try to get you under production before the lease runs out.

Leaving the speculators behind...

All my information and even a few rumours point to HK drilling its most critical leaseholds first,,i.e those leases neareast to expiriration, i have heard this through several sources at HK.

It makes sense, drill the units where leases will expire first.

The question is, does Petrohawk have most of your section (the probabal unit, in not a unit allready) leased?
Gosh Darn,
I have seen that you have a lot of good info for the folks on this site. Thanks for that. Seems like everyone I have gotten cross wise with on here has turned out to be my friend.

And I think dat that dar,

May turn out to be what is the deal.

Well what the hell, couldn't come up with anymore BS.

Good talking to you, GD.
Q & A from same presentation Earl posted:

Brian Singer – Goldman, Sachs

You may also touch on the flexibility to not reinvest in new leaseholds.

Aubrey K. McClendon

Likewise again, there’s some presumption in your question that we have no capability of throttling back our business. We’ve already cut back $4.7 billion of expected cap ex just in the last month. If gas prices go to $5, if they go $4, if they go to $3, we’ll cut back. We are completely capable of laying [inaudible] and we will do that. We are completely capable of driving down a lease price. We’re completely capable of saying no to a lease.

But I just disagree that somehow an asset sale is a less trustworthy source of cash than a sale of assets through production every day. I just completely reject that and I don’t think our track record in the market at all reflects that either. It’s the most profitable thing we do.
Earl, don't forget to factor in that they have spent hundreds of millions of $$'s drilling wells on that acreage so you can't use a per acre figure for a realistic comparison.
i don't see it as "price fixing" when the mineral owner doesn't have to agree to lease. I am an unleased mineral owner in a proposed unitized section and I am excited about the possibility. I was not approached to lease so I am in this position by default. The pre-app hearing is tomorrow and hope to have some questions answered. All my research for leasing has at least provided a vocabulary...now on to the drilling lingo. This site has been an education and a big thank you to all the posts.


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