Our family has signed, the company has ran a pipeline across the property, improved the road, started drilling and installed two wells on the property.  We have received a little money for the pipeline and and road but no royalties yet and it has been a year.  Do we need a lawyer?

Tags: San Augustine, lawyer, mineral, rights, royalties

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Ok yes we have given them the information that is why I don't know what the hold up is.

Robert --you will just have to keep talking to them and if you are sure on your title to your mineral claim guess a DEMAND letter to give you a DO and pay back royalty is in order. Then if no result a attorney will be required. I hope you have large enough minerals interest to make it worth doing that.

Our family has run into this with XTO, Chesapeake and Atoka. The D.O. finally went out after about six to eight months and our 1st royalty check did not come until the 18 month mark (worst case), however all back monies for the royalties were paid at that time. With the Atoka well, they 'shut in' and did the same thing with their $1 a year payment that they send to us via 'Certified-Registered-reciept required' mailer (feels sort of like a field goal kick between the legs). Both XTO and Chesapeake took contacting an Attorney to get them moving

On the flip side, our dealings with Southwestern, Cabot, Devon and EXCO have been fairly quick and above board with EXCO being our 'Poster child' of how to do things right! Nothing so far in the O&G world seems to move fast other than the Landmen getting the initial leases out to everyone.

That's about my whole two cents worth on it... wishing you the best of luck on all of this!

Robert-- at least one nice thing you will get all your money owed plus a little interest added depending on your lease so you can think of as a forced saving account for few months ( and it's income tax deferred since you do not pay income taxes until money received. You can get estimate of amount of you check thru April by 1.688 Bcf gas at avg of $2.75 for past year= gross for well = $ 4,642,000 then multiple by your interest decimal in unit  { your total net minerals/673.49 X your % royalty in lease }= estimate of first check thru april production. If say you have 10 acres and a 20% lease--- then 10/673.49X 0.2 X 4,642,000= $13,784.91 for first 11 months .---- I did not go back and avg the price of Nat Gas for the 11 months I just guessed on memory. Good luck and if you do own the minerals you will get your money at some point. XTO/XOM are honest people. I would not spend money on attorney unless you have no other choice. You can request them to give you a copy of their run sheet of your minerals showing you who they  think owes them-- the run sheet will show dates and everytime ownership of minerals changed hands to present time

thanks B

I am an oil and gas attorney and mineral owner. You have received good advice, but don't forget this. Call the every 30 days and ask XTO to confirm someone is working on it. When you do get paid, you will have to ask for interest (in writing), but you may not be entitled to it if they have been trying to sort out legitimate title issues.

Thanks John, called yesterday and they are blaming it on the local record keeping in the county office for delays.

Robert--- I would ask them specifically what they need to cure your title and then see if you can supply it for them--- they only have to cure your mineral title to issue you DO not the complete unit. Stay after them as J Brewster said.

ok thanks

Beusa, the oil company drilling on our land, has been sending us a bill for payments! It will be a cold day in Haiti before I start paying an oil company to drill on my land. They're the ones making off like bandits, while we're footing the bill. 


that is crazy that they would try to bill you.

Robert,  have you tried a certified letter to the Railroad Commission in Texas?  They will give the gas company so many days to pay you and then they will take care of it themselves.  Click on Railroad Commission to get their phone and address.  I'd surely try this before a lawyer.  Talk about slow,

the lawyer we have had working for us has already taken three years and we're supposedly going to court in September.  We'll see.


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