Special Report: The Lavish and Leveraged Life of Aubrey McClendon (Reuters, 06.07.12)

All I can think is .... my calculator doesn't have the place value for that many zeros.  wow.  



So, is this the all American kid who started out mowing yards building into an all American enterprise (championing all American energy) who mentored others to do likewise through philanthropy or an evil, corporate robber baron who relies on "sharecropping" mineral owners to reap rewards that he hoards to himself and lavishly favors on friends?  King Arthur or King Midas? 


wow.  80)

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I cringe at the thought of anyone joining GHS for help with leasing questions and then acting on advise from GD.

I can understand why you say that, Skip.

And believe me, not like some on GHS, I actually don't solicit "paying customers," nor do I work for "investors" nor do I work for and/or advise "mineral buyers."

Plus, each time I've been contacted (through no solicitation on my part) for such feedback to help those who truly need help making a first-time tough leasing decision -- it has taken way too much of my time since attempting to offer proper advice is quite complex. 

Indeed, that's why I always tell folks to call a lawyer, e.g., call one of the best in La.

Please, call a lawyer.  Don't pinch pennies on a mineral estate and don't sign anything until a lawyer vets it.  It truly is -- as a goodhearted GHS member has posted a number of times -- a lease truly can be the most important document certain folks ever sign.

So take the time to do it right and use a top O&G lawyer.  Pay a good lawyer since that small investment for an attorney will truly reap solid returns in most cases.

Yet, quite sadly, many times certain members who have little money yet who also have some land or possibly it's an undivided family track of acreage, have explained to me their sad financial straights.  Numerous times folks have come to me in hardship.

So, being sensitive to their situations, I've reluctantly explained the basics and still try to get them to at least get a free initial consultation from an honest O&G attorney who's on the landowners' side of the fence.  Plus, knowing what I know (having access to certain lawyers myself) -- I have vetted certain law firms with the La. Attorney General's office, too.

Ergo, don't worry Skip.  I don't want this woe, and I'm not your competitor, nor do I want to waste my time with such since my time is way too valuable.  Indeed, that's why, as you well know, I've posted comments on certain GHS subgroups, recommending folks "pay" you to do some research (e.g., in regards to title, etc.; when needed); and I've clearly stated that your time is valuable and that you can't just give away free research to every member who asks you for it.  Plus, you know your stuff about most of this per your massive databases and your years of work, going back to when you started in early 2008 (since I can only kinda "assume" that I know the facts of your resume if that e-mail you sent me back on Nov. 19, 2008 was accurate).

Nevertheless, the one caveat that I'd like to go on the record with -- since my training as a highly paid negotiator goes back to 1975 -- is that negotiation skills are quite specialized and thus simply knowing a great deal of facts and figures doesn't mean that someone knows how to get the best value (or possibly a "fair and reasonable" lease with proper clauses and protections) for whomever.

Even some very good attorneys probably have never had "national" training in how to properly negotiate comlex high-dollar deals (when the other side does it sorta 24/7 and has, on retainer, some of the very best paid guns to be had in the biz).  

Anyway, most folks understand your need to make money, Skip.  Hope you have a prosperous year.  

I am satisfied that enough comments have now been made, by myself and some long time members who are known and respected by the membership, to reveal your lack of knowledge and your unprofessional demeanor.  If you hadn't gone off on Dion I would have continued to ignore you as has been my practice in the past.  I will now return to ignoring you.

That's good to hear, Skip.  Thank goodness.

i've been asking for an actual ignore function for quite a while now, the b.s. gets too deep to ignore after a while so i just stop coming here

Katie McCullin was a media representative/public relations person who worked for CHK.  She appeared on TV whenever CHK was sponsoring any local event in NW LA and frequently was quoted in the Shreveport Times with press releases/responses from CHK on various matters.  She was helpful to some in trying to negotiate all of the various stonewalling that occurs through CHK's customer relations representatives but this was part of her job.  She was trying to control anything negative for CHK and that meant reading GHS and stepping in to divert persons with significant issues with the company she represented.  I do not know her so cannot say whether there was any altruism in her efforts to assist but it most assuredly was also that for which she was/is being paid quite handsomely based on information regarding the average annual salary of CHK's employees. 

I too have received a huge amount of free useful information on this site from many of the professional landmen, engineers, geologists, 0&G attorneys, CPAs, etc. and would like to thank each of them for their willingness to help others more ignorant than they.  Wish I had had the benefit of much of this information before signing leases but I have no one to blame but myself for that issue....

Sesport, as far as I know Katie is still with CHK.  She on GHS she mostly works with people who have issues with CHK. 


I think her job is an example of companies trying to meet people's needs through social media. They know that lots of people come on blogs to complain and to find out how to get action on a problem.  Katie is in a good position to assist these people - sometimes that is as simple as getting a specific person to contact.  I hope Katie still has her job. CHK needs more like her.


We could say the same thing about other professionals on GHS - they are trying to meet their customer's needs by connecting with them through social networking.  It's the future and it's here now. 


What makes GHS succeed as a blog is our diverse membership - there is a checks and balances to information. Poor quality info seldom goes unchallenged - it's sort of a "free market" that keeps everyone honest and a bit competative. 



Yep, Katie is still at CHK.  See article in today's Shreveport Times.



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