I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

Views: 83807


Replies to This Discussion

  Big D,

   Some water wells produced a little natural gas way back before fracing came along --- have seen water wells that made enough gas to power a engine to pump themselves

    Reportedly Weatherford has bought the small industrial site in Down Town Latexo from P-Chem ----- believe it has a rail spur etc. and has hwy frontage on 287 

     Many dump trucks on the move today @ Midway heading east on hwy 21-- "Worley" well reportedly has 6 more fracable zones and they have already fraced 2  ----- most of the operators are only fracing a few zones for now ---- this will hold the leases while they develop the infrastructure and future drilling plans without drawing alot of attention  

R Data showing Basin 103 rigging up on Swift #1 for Trivium in Leon County

 Zero rigs showing up in Houston Co. this week

  7 rigs in Madison Co.

Thanks DH, for the updates. Guess nothing on Jackson yet. Swift wells think it the H3 leg is a few miles northwest  of our location if I remember correctly.  Need to go back and check. Grandfather used to work on waterwells along time ago and seems like I remember him talking about gas back in the early 60's.


Yep, the ultimate demise of the majority of molecules of hydrocarbons is to end up at the surface, where they mingle with fresh water and are consumed by bacteria.   The Drake well in Titusville, Pennsylvania, which was the first oil well drilled in America in 1859, found oil at 69'.  The oldest production in Texas is in Nacogdoches County where there are seeps at the surface.  All of the salt domes down around Spindletop had seeps associated with them.  The Indians knew where all of them were.  Most Americans fail to understand that it is a naturally-occuring substance.   

Treadstone has a few recompletion permits floating around in Houston and Madison County.  

New Parten well permit in the Fort Trinidad Dexter Unit

Trivium Brown and Wakefield reported today - neither result is particularly impressive.  No time to link them, but will try to later.

Thanks DBOB,

  Reportedly the Western Chief "Worley" had a major blowout last week while fracing (no injuries or fire)------ Wild Well Crews worked through the night to kill the well by pumping mud down the casing --- not sure if they will be able to save it or not yet ?   Fracing continues over on "Jackson" with many tanker trucks hauling every hour, also "Brown" still has several tankers on the move  and the County roads are turning to sand beds in this dry heat.

Many Thanks, dbob and DH,

Was hoping for better news for Trivium hopefully some good results for Jackson will keep them in the area. Back to praying for rain. What are the tankers hauling? Are they bringing in water? Any idea what depth they are at with Jackson. Have not been able to get into the TRRC's website till later in the day, every morning when I try it says it is not available.

Texas54 - The well tests are early - they may still be recovering a substantial protion fo the frac water.  Liquids production may improve with time.  It may simply be an area that has to be produced with pumps, rather than based on gas flow.   

Thanks again dbob for the clarification.


 Some confusion about what the tankers are hauling OUT  --- but we are watching for trucks with hazardous emblem on the back  and assuming they are Oil and we are sure that at least some oil is being hauled out of all wells.

  Also believe there is some confusion about completion reports as to the fact that these wells all have multi zones and do not believe "ALL" zones have been fraced and tested at this time. Another words there is still some production "BEHIND PIPE" in these wells

 At this time we understand "JACKSON" has a good gut feeling with everyone

Glad to hear about Jackson, checked on TRRC and it doesn't list the different zones like they show on some of the other permits. Is that the zones they frack. Hope Trivicum gets good news on all sites.  Thanks so much for the updates and keeping us informed about what is happening in the county.


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