I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

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Its good on the oil side, particularly if still in flowback

gas flow is high - it may be being supplied lift gas from another source

the choke is wide open, which may not be great for long term well development.


   That looks very Good to me, have been pondering a little bit as to why the tubing pressure is so low  and did note that a 2" choke was wide open. Would guess that well has had sales for a couple months now.

    Interstate "Patrick" reached TD yesterday and a electric log truck is there today ----- next step hopefully will be casing pipe, then reportedly the rig will move to "Keddie" near Shiloh  Methodist Church. Which is across the road from "GAMBLE"

   Tornado Reportedly touched down OSR at Midway and traveled at least as far as Pennington  (assume this was the same tornado ?)   High winds and dead trees have electric out in many rural areas



Burk filed for a 15500 ft vertical (Weeks) in HC., just west of Weldon yesterday. Anyone know what they are looking for that deep? 



Someone in unit probably has a vertical pugh clause, I'm I'm guessing they are just trying to establish produciton with depth.  Either that or science, or they want to have a blowout.  If more gnerally wondering what their target is, its probably Edwards, which will be gassy at depth, and they seem to plan to co-mingle the shallwoer oilly zones.  Hopefully they don't get much CO2


That location has been ready for a rig for at least a year if not longer. Maybe they about to do something!!
Basin 103 rigging up for Burk on Weeks 1.

New location going in on Shelly ranch behind where Patt. 518 drilling now. Haven't seen any more new locations.

Thanks Lucky,

  I thought the Basin Rig went to Keddie @ Shiloh Church ? -------- But the rig did move off of "Patrick" this week and their is a large Tree on the well head------- Vac Trucks seem to be emptying the reserve pit.------ very bright work lights on at night

   Most CR roads are kind of bad right now after the cold rains/winds and the crews have been off for the holidays etc.so riding around looking is on hold.

Yeah Basin 101 is drillin on Keddie. Basin 103 is on Weeks. I think 103 was the one on Jackson?

Yeah roads are bad!!! How much rain have we got?
Improvements being made to the old Unical gas plant on Shelley Ranch. Treadstone took over that also. Frac job going on at Shelley location also. Lots of activity on FM 2915.

Thanks Lucky,

  Interstate getting ready to frac "Jackson #2 H"   ------ Reportedly Large steady flare burning on "Swift" in Leon


A couple of new completions in HC by Trivium. IPs are not to impressive. Burk has a completion in Madison and ZaZa has a new filing for a well called Tiger in Walker Co.

Thanks Randy - saw the Trivium completions and have kind of scratched my head.  Burk completion looks reasonably good.


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