I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

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Looks like Scan "Glory" is on Eastham in Houston Co. and Interstate has a Rig on "Todd" for 64 days on that 13,000 foot vertical which is already double the avg. time

  Shilough Church area is starting to look like a true "Interstate" oil/gas field



Any news on Jackson?


 Terrace/Trivium filed some mandatory reports on "Jackson 2H" that give the directional survey and engineering data on the Well and we know that only the last three stages in the toe of the horizontal were fraced to test the proper stimulation needed.

  The reports show that the well target was only 30' below the Eagle Ford Shale (EFS) in the top of the Louisville (Woodbine Sand) ----------- Guru that I talked to about this issue said "the frac most certainly extended up into the EFS" ---- Word off the well is that they over stimulated the frac job and probably fraced into the ocean ?  but they still have plenty lateral hole to plug off the toe and try again further back with less frac stimulation so the well is not ruined yet ------ believe they are waiting on 3 phase electric line to put this well on a pump

  IMHO ---- This is Trivium's first rodeo so they are having to learn things the hard way and they are having difficulties with these wildcats. I believe their investors are having their doubts about funding these projects?  

 On the plus side no one is drilling any dry holes so we at least know that hydrocarbons do exist but need luck and experience to extract them.

  In general, things are slowing down around Houston Co. but still far from over


I think a lot of what we are seeing in the area is a mix of the continued relative weakness in gas prices, lower prices for NGLs, and oil being in a narrow range. Brazos and Madison Counties look to be nearly completely derisked, and the investment in the area is headed that way. Woodbine/Eaglebine etc do appear to extend to Louisiana - just a matter of figuring out where and how to make it economic.

I note with interest that while still "for sale" Burk/Navidad is drilling and completing wells, so they aren't giving up on the area... Halcon is building its production in brazos and Madison County, while punching more holes further east. Overall, may stay a little slower for awhile, while lease blocks get built, fracs tuned up, and drilling problems (Abbey Road, Revolver, Gibbs brothers, Stingray). That and we still need to see EOG kick it into gear. ZaZa is still acting like a compnay looking to add more capital/JV partners so we will see...

Read an article on KBTX (Bryan news) about Eagle Ford shale. EOG says they are testing wells in Madison county but not ready to talk publicly about them. Also talks about Halcon and ZaZa around Grimes and Walker counties.

Also where Basin 101 is drilling the Todd, a rig drilled a well not long ago right next to where the Todd is. It was a dry hole so maybe that area is tough for drilling??? Believe is was Justice Oil that drilled it. That's kinda a far jump Interstate did. New pad built for them on 1280 near Austiono. I'm sure that's where 101 will be going next.

Thanks for the DH for the update....was hoping they were further along and expanding.



Devon,Zaza,HK,and Crimson are presenting at the IPAa Conf. In N.Y. That starts tomorrow. Their presentations will be available on their websites. These should provide updated info on this area.The bids on the Navidad, Burk sale are due May 8 th. interestingly each companies properties are being sold separately
Cabot oil and gas NRL 1H is ready for a rig. A few new locations on FM 2915 guessing Treadstone?? Still pretty active in southwest HC just minus a few rigs.

Hearing that Trivium is being sued by one of the Landowners over in Leon Co. because of the way they are handling the salt water on "Swift" ?  ---------- also hearing that they have put the 3 phase electric lines on hold for "Jackson" and "Merriweather"  even though the ROW work had already started.

dbob and DryHole....

Good to hear that another well is going in at the Eastham Farm.  Evidently, Navidad isn't finished yet.  I looked at the area on Google Earth and counted 12 pads and what looked like 9 completions....is this accurate?  One good thing about exploration at the Eastham sites...it is a secure area and the involved company doesn't have to worry about tools and equipment walking off in the middle of the nite.  On the other side of this being a good sign...we're still waiting for the players to ease across the county line into the Kittrell area.  Maybe this year? Maybe next year?    

Hearing that Devon Well had 14 frac trucks on pad yesterday  ------ guess they are fracing another ZONE in that vertical hole ?


Oh  no, wonder if it is a legit complaint or just wanting extra dollars... Is/was the 3-phase electric line some of the really large lines, Do you know which way the ROW  was coming/going such as north/south or east/west of Jackson. I need to go back and see where Merriweather is located.Would they have used the same line going between the 2 wells. If you have you psychic hat on today any guesses? 





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