Does anyone know of any activity in Cass County?

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Here is the Barrow-Shaver permit - deep vertical (12,000') - Bossier or possibly into the Jurassic Lime / Smackover.

May be setting up location for possible future horizontal drilling efforts.

If that is the case, this may be "pilot hole" to obtain key subsurface info prior to horizontal drilling program commencing


They are offering what is called a Paid Up Lease.  The $250 per acre is a one time payment that covers the entire primary term of the lease whatever number of years that may be.

You're welcome.  If you read the early discussions about Andadarko  leasing in the North Caddo Group you may see a repeat in Cass County.  Anadarko leased through 3 land companies.  Each started in a different area and their areas were not connected.  Following their activity over time those areas converged into a single leaseblock (100,000 + acres).  Mineral owners who wish to be proactive can learn to do some simple searches in the public records on file with the county.  You might find evidence of each land company using the same lease form, offering the same lease terms, etc.  Those land companies will not record an assignment to their client for many months.  Usually at the point that development is well under way.  Early lease offers almost always improve over time but it's unlikely that any increase will be substantial unless some serious competition for leases develops.  Those who do their homework may be rewarded.

Skip -

Your posts. and those by Waylon, Cass County gal, and Rockman, have made  my long-distance homework a lot easier over the past year or so. I have small interests in several Cass Co.  surveys, where lease offers  seem to signal the converging  of a  large leaseblock as in the North Caddo. 

I'm not familiar with Barrow-Shaver, but wonder where it's located relative to Hwy 59 south of Linden, maybe by Kildare or Lanier?  I'll be studying Waylon's and RockMan's posts closely.

Thanks again, to all.

Jim Bemis

See attached PDF - Barrow Shaver well (five digit number next to blue dot) is near small town of Bear Creek south of the highway between Linden and Avinger.


Thanks, Rockman.  I appreciate the larger map. I remember  that area as  mostly pine trees, . with limited roads and infrastructure. Hope the exploration proves fruitful.

Jim Bemis

just had a offer from watson acquisition 5 year paid up lease 1\6 royalty75.00 per ac. 

they must be dreaming

What part of county?

south of linden just west of us 56 since the above was written i have had a offer for 150.00 1\5 rol. 3plus 2

We'll need to see some production figures.  Don't get too excited about that 175' of Travis Peak and Cotton Valley pay until it is produced.  There is nothing definitive about this news release.  Hopefully they will have a successful completion and announce the results soon.

I hear ya!  How do you get production figures and how do you know if they are good?



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