Looks like GEPH wants to create a CLU south of Shreveport airport.  Landman contacted us today.  Anyone heard anything on this?

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David, can you provide Section - Township - Range for the lease GEPH is wanting? I leased to them recently and can tell you how much they can pay... Please message me directly. 

If they are leasing directly south of the airport with a CUL then they are probably going 2 miles south. Right? They are getting into Chesapeake's territory there. I am trying to think of any section NOT leased in those areas anywhere south of the airport. Please provide a section, township, and range

Is there any leasing north of the airport?

Not that has come to my attention.  There appears to be little to no interest in Haynesville Shale development north of I-20 with the possible exception of lands close to the Texas state line.

Thanks for the information.  Our property adjoins I-20 on its south side.  We leased when the Haynesville was hot, but it was never drilled.

Then, depending on specific location, you may be in luck.  The further west you are from the airport, the better.

Maybe not so good then.  We are pretty much due north from the airport.

Which section do you have an interest in, Thomas? And how many net mineral acres do you own?

Sec. 17, T17N R14W.  10 acres: 5 under the interstate (expropriated) and 5 adjacent to the south line of the interstate.  (It is actually my wife's property.)  It is between the Jewella and Monkhouse exits.


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