A small producer out of Rockwall, TX "31 Operating, LLC" has not paid royalty payments since Feb. 2019. They don't answer or return calls. Beware of doing business with these people!

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My name is Robert McIntyre.  My client is a working  interest owner in Sibley Field.  We are engaged in a law suit against 31 Operating.  The issue is revenue and expenses.  We are represented by trial counsel in Shreveport, Weems Schimp (also, Davidson is also a very good firm). There are a number of us addressing this issue.  Any information that those effected are willing to share could be very helpful.  My email is MC3LLC@AOL.COM. Anything sent to me directly will not be shared and will be kept in strictest confidence.

On a personal note, my father was the geologist who with his partner Bill Jarratt put together the Sibley prosepct in 1971.  It has been a blessing to my family and, properly operated, will continue to be so for many years to come.

Best regards, Mac McIntyre 

This is further to my earlier post concerning unpaid royalty owners.  I am working on something for which I could use some help.  Does anyone know of any unleased mineral interest owners in Sibley Field?  

Thanks, Mac McIntyre

Robert, you are largely spinning your wheels posting this on the Main Page (Shale Related Topics).  Since Webster hasn't had much going on in quite some time the possibility of any of the Webster Parish members seeing your post are slim.  However, if you post on the Webster Parish Group Page, see link below, all 294 members of that group will get automatically generated emails in their inboxes alerting them to your new discussion.  Join the Webster Group and post there.  I think you will receive some responses.


Hello, Wanted to join the conversation about 31 Operating, LLC out of Rockwall, Texas, not paying Interest Owners on

wells in Webster Parish.their due money. There should be an Investigation by Louisiana Attorney's generals office about this company. We are an Interest Owner, and are wondering if anyone has already filed a Law suit against this company for non-payments on Interest.  We have sent them a Demand Letter in January of 2020.

Carder Oil not making interest payments to Lease owners of Nat gas they are pulling out of Webster, Sibley Field wells. 

I am interested in knowing if there is other large acreage lease owners in the Sibley Field wells operated bye Carder Oil Company / 31 Operating,LLC, (Operator Name # 8270)?  This company is basically taking Natural Gas out of these wells, selling the gas then not paying Interest owners that this company has a Lease with.  I believe this might be called stealing. This company should be locked out of this field's wells, suspend Lease, then sign a new Lease with a Company that will honor their obligation to pay their Interest to Lease owners. Please Private message me if you like.


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