About a month or maybe two ago received notice someone requesting new well sites for Section 4, T18N, 14W.  There have not been any wells drilled on this particular section although permits were requested and I think approved.  Does anyone know why new well site permits would be requested? Our lease expires next spring although an option for two more years at 1k an acre.

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I think you may be referring to an application for alternate wells to be drilled in Sections 33 & 28 to the immediate north.  The surface locations are located in Section 4 - 18N-14W.  I do not find any well permits for your Section 4.

Thank you for your reply, Skip.  No It refers to a potential application for alternate? wells Section 4, 18N-14W.  I received the map and notice.  There were well permits or applications requested in January 2022, I do not know if  the original four were permitted, how long does a well permit last if no wells drilled.  I did not receive the notice of possible permit request for the first alternate but my sister did, somehow I guess it was lost in mail?  I think the upper part of unit may be Section 33?  I spent so much time in 21, and 22 reviewing these requests that I certainly don't know or understand the proper terms as you but see the routes or whatever come closer to my property than the previous 4,  I'm just wondering what it means as to why they are still requesting permits when no wells have been drilled in either part of unit?

When you get a "notice" letter that is an application for "well slots", they are not well permits.  An application must be approved for spacing regulations and once approved it becomes a Field Order and the operator or a successor operator can then move to the well permit stage for wells that match the approved spacing.  A well permit to drill does not have a notice requirement, you would have to check SONRIS periodically to know if one was approved.  Those Field Orders are effective indefinitely unless a superseding Field Order replaces it.  There is no time limit for an operator to use it to drill wells.  Well permits to drill are issued for either six months or twelve.  I find no permit by Trinity that includes Section 4 - 18N-14W.

I appreciate the definitions...Well slot...know latest request was not for a permit, but for hearing in that particular area.  I did check Sonris in late 21, and early 22 or some similar graph.  I had wondered about time period Skip, guess USG wants to keep irons in the fire just in case, so what I saw allowed earlier was or were requests for  Field Orders.  So, thank you Skip for explanation.

Hi Skip, me again.  The upper part of HA RA SUXX is section 33.  Surface locations what does that mean?  Application for alternate wells...well permits or slots?  The line delineating the two starts in 33 and ends in Section 4, runs across the back of our properties and ends  a few hundred feet below.Thank you for your patience.

Surface location is where the rig will be that will drill the lateral

Also, where surface facilities (tanks, etc.) will be located once well is completed

Thank you Rock Man, I can not see the nearby residents will be happy with this location. Maybe if royalties enough they won't care.   Our properties and brother's home just north adjacent to a row of homes built in 70;s I think.  

That is always an issue for surface owners - especially those that own no mineral in the area plus are not getting any damage payments for the location and service road.

Iris, the well path only has perforations, and thus production, from the portion that is labeled as First Take Point to the portion that is Last Take Point.  A lateral wellbore may run through a portion of a section that has no production because the lateral is not perforated in that section.

Ok, I don't need to understand that this early EST, I have surface protection, if that means anything, but thank you, Skip Peel, and Rock Man for your information.


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