I just heard from a landowner in Dixie that Nadel Gussman has drilled a dry hole. Anyone hear anything on that?

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Not much info to go on. Got any more? Nadel Gussman ?
Supposedly a Horizontal Haynesville somewhere in Dixie. I found that they are drilling in Sec 17,18,20 in 19N-14W but not sure if thats where it is. But Im thinking its not a dry hole, maybe just went lateral at the wrong depth?
Look at the well in 22/19N/14W. Well serial number 237623.

Not a dry hole. Looks like a cotton valley well.

Of course, this may not be the well you heard about.
are you still there?
What your are saying is impossible. First of all the logging tools used in this day and age are highly accurate, electric logs, mud logging, gas shows. A company would never take a well horizontal in an uneconomic zone. Second of all there is no way it would be a "dry hole" i.e. completely unproductive. They would have definitely tested the vertical phase before drilling laterally.
Geeez. Dont shoot the messenger. Someone called me and said "someone hit a dry hole in Dixie today or yesterday." Thats it. My reply was it probably wasnt a dry hole, it was probably operator error or misinformation. So I then posted a message on here and was just asking if anyone heard anything of that sort.And second of all, you are WAY OFF in saying "What your are saying is impossible. First of all the logging tools used in this day and age are highly accurate, electric logs, mud logging, gas shows. A company would never take a well horizontal in an uneconomic zone." Obviously you are not aware of some of the problems operators are having right now..... i.e. Penn Virginia in Harrison County, TX has spent at least 20 million on a well out there because of the problems they are having. And thats after they drilled the Fogle at 8MMcf/d. If it were so easy and impossible to screw up, then why does it happen all the time?
I never said severe technical problems do not happen and or will not happen, the play is still in it's infancy basically, I was just stating that what you said is impossible. Statements like you just made, "somewhere in Dixie Nadel Gussman drilled a dry well horizontally" are nothing more than rumours probably handed 20 people down the line. All that is gonna do is panic the less informed landowners. All I did was say, that nobody is gonna drill a 10 million dollar horizontal well without doing their homework. Every horizontal well in the Dixie field at this moment is either still in the drilling phase or being completed at this very moment. Nobody completes dry holes.
Which is exactly why I simply asked if anyone else had heard anything about this. But you are wrong again in saying thats impossible. That may be the one most ridiculous statement Ive heard in a while. Its one thing to be less informed but its another to be misinformed. Why do you think Petrohawk is having so much success and some other companies not as much success. Do you think the other companies dont do their homework. I stated earlier that it probably wasnt a dry hole, but the operator didnt do something right. IM not sure why you are being so touchy about a simple question to see if anyone else heard anything on this matter.
Obviously you are the one who is misinformed, I am not being "touchy" about anything. Unsubstantiated rumours like the one you are passing around are one of the main reasons people become misinformed. And yes I will say it again, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for any operator to drill and 4000ft. lateral and come up with a dry hole, the only known case so far of operator error so ridiculous was a Red River Parish well in which the driller put the lateral in the Bossier Shale by accident and it came in monstrous. I would appreciate it it you woudn't call me less informed or misinformed, I worked for JW operating building meter runs and completing wells so I can quarantee you that I am neither.
Lol. How do you get what you are saying is impossible and getting all worked up about out of "I just heard from a landowner in Dixie that Nadel Gussman has drilled a dry hole. Anyone hear anything on that?" How is that spreading rumors. Thats a simple question. Maybe it was a vertical CV. I dont know. The landowner didnt know. Thats why I asked.
Nadel Gussman does have some wells but mostly pumping units that are around henderson tx or at least these are all that I know of. I serviced these wells for baker.
They have OGMLs all over T19N-R14W.


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