I was told by Petrohawk that Township 19 in Webster Parish was as far north of I-20 that was being leased. Has anyone leased in Township 19?

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Thanks for the info. That makes good sense.
S5 T19N R10W - I just contacted Petrohawk and was told they have no interest in T19N at this time. Would someone please tell me the landman you've dealt with to lease property in 19/10?? Thanks
just drop a line to jccminden@msn.com

John C. Campbell
John, it is hard to figure them out. They leased some land in T20n in May for 2500 an acre. I know they leased up a couple of hundred of acres. T20n is farther away from all the activity than T19n. It just doesn't make any sense in the way they are doing things.
Hello Mr. Cambell , According to PetroHawk your Webster land isn't even on the Shale so I wouldn't put too much trust in anything, any of these guy's say.
There is bad paper out there from big boys and now people are told that when they sign they will have to hold a draft for 60 to 90 days! Do you remember where we were 90 days ago ? Tell the Hawks to take flight ! They aren't willing to pay you what is fair for your land right now. If you sign now , by the time you get your money , that deal you signed is going to look like junk compared to whats going on 90 days from now.

Please people , if you don't want to join SWAMO that is fine. I promise that I wont stay up too late crying.A lot of you guy's will need to sign way early and then be out of our way anyway.That may sound harsh but its a fact! I would love to bring everybody on board but people do the strangest things when faced with life changing decissions. Look at the facts and make a decission that is based on good information and common sense!They aren't fixing to leave this area. If they do someone bigger will be right behind them.Greed and the bottom line will not allow them to leave us alone.This is the largest N/G field in the continental United States for crying out loud. Don't decide because of what you could do with $5,000 an acre! Because whatever you can do with $5,000 an acre , I will be doing much more of it when I sign. Mark this date on your calendars ! I told you so!

This is a game . The same game that they played on the Barnett. They will continue to play this game as long as there are willing and waiting victims.They will lie through their teeth to bank money and make the deal.That sounds harsh but this game is forever , you had better get it right the first time.Wont be too many second chances.
You seem very confident that those holding out are going to receive a landfall in bonus lease monies as well as the royalties no matter the acreage. How can you be so sure? Your plea is convincing but for those individuals that could use the money being offered now (considering the economy) its a little scary to wait on something that may not materialize. The O&G could hit salt water and stop in some sections which leaves those people out in the cold with nothing to show for it. I don't know that I would feel comfortable asking people to wait--I'd feel responsible if they didn't get anything.
Hello Earl,
My comments were in no way an attack on this gentleman. I did not read a plea in his comments. And my family is one who chooses to wait, however, those who don't or those who can't are at times being chastized by some (not this gentleman) who opt to wait it out. I personally have been asked by loved ones if they should wait or sign--I choose not to sway them in either direction for fear that my advice will not pay off.
Hi Lynette,

Lynette, the news just keeps getting better. Every well they drill is a money maker. I understand that some people need the money to make ends meet, but if they just hold on a little longer they will be rewarded.
Thank you for a positive response. we do plan to hold out. We also have land on the Fayetteville shale and have watched friends and family get ripped off with their leases. The feeding frenzy is nerve racking.
Maybe Petrohawk isn't interested but there are other companies that are, I was told today that a land owner north of Minden has leased for 30,000 and 30%.
How far north.
I couldn't get the exact location but what Information that I did get out of my source it seems to be between Minden and Homer.
Do you know who this maybe....I know most of the people that own property in this area! It sounds a little to good to be true...Hope it isnt though!!!!


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