Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Haynesville Sizzle Might Fizzle
Despite lower natural gas prices, the Haynesville Shale is the hottest onshore play in North America. Production is more than 150 MMcfd from recently drilled horizontal wells, and single-well Initial Production (IP) rates are as high as 24 MMcfd.

I used standard rate-versus-time methods to determine estimated ultimately recoverable reserves (EUR) for 14 horizontally drilled wells that had sufficient production history to project a decline rate. Production was extrapolated using a hyperbolic decline, and an economic limit of 1.0 MMcf/month. The wells had an average EUR of 1.5 Bcf, and 67% (10 wells) had reserves less than 1.5 Bcf. This is an early evaluation, and does not include several recently completed wells because of insufficient production data. Reserves were, with one exception (5.3 Bcf), considerably lower than the 6.5 Bcfe most-likely per well reserves, and 4.5-8.5 Bcfe range, claimed by leading operators in the play Chesapeake Energy Corporations and Petrohawk Energy Corporation.

Problems with the Haynesville Shale include high decline rates and costs. Average monthly decline for the wells that I analyzed is 20–30%, and projected annual decline rates average 80−90%. Rapid decline makes IP rates unreliable indicators of well productivity. The average production history of wells used in this analysis is less than five months; current production rates already average only 48% of IP.

Drilling and completion (D&C) costs are about $7.5 million per well, although Petrohawk recently revised its D&C costs upward to $8.5–9.5 million. Average true vertical depth of wells in this study is 11,500 ft, and average measured depth is 15,250 ft. Five- to ten-stage hydraulic fracturing is typical with 600–750 lb sand/lateral foot in horizontal boreholes, which average 4,500 ft long. Leasing costs in active areas during 2008 were $10,000–30,000/acre, increasing capital expenditures for an 80-acre spacing unit $0.8-2.4 million above D&C costs.

Operating costs average $2.25/Mcf, based on US SEC 10-K filings and annual reports. After gathering and transportation costs, netback gas prices for early March 2009 were less than $2.50/Mcf (RBC Richardson Barr). Net revenue interest, after royalties, is typically 75%, and Louisiana severance tax is $0.27/Mcf (included in operating cost) . While current prices are the lowest in many years, and hedging has helped careful operators, it cost many operators a $7.25/Mcf or more to produce gas during the fourth quarter of 2008.

Clearly, most Haynesville Shale wells will not approach a commercial threshold until both gas prices and per-well reserves increase. To quantify that reserve and price threshold, I ran a basic NPV10 model using the cost information already mentioned. I used decline rates from the Barnett Shale (65%—Year1, 40%—Year 2, 30%—Year 3, 25%—Year 4, and 20% thereafter) instead of the higher decline rates projected from Haynesville production to date.

The break-even (NPV10= 0), minimum per-well reserve volume is 2.5 Bcf with a netback gas price of $8/Mcf (~$9/MMBtu Henry Hub spot). This means that the play would have been marginally commercial in 2009 dollars during only 15 months (12.5%) over the past decade—and over the past 20 years since the advent of the natural gas commodity market in 1989—if an average well had reserves of 2.5 Bcf instead of only 1.5 Bcf. At 1.5 Bcf/well, $12/Mcf netback gas price is needed to break even.

Chesapeake CE O Aubrey McClendon recently said, “We only need gas prices to be ‘good’ for three to six months out of every two-year period.” (Houston Chronicle, February 11, 2009). If ‘good’ means to break even in the Haynesville Shale, it looks like he will meet costs no more than 12.5% of the time, and lose money the other 87.5%, assuming that per-well reserves can be doubled. That business model is difficult to understand, although successful hedging might change those percentages. But that’s not the entire business model.

“We believe in volatility...You can sell volatility. Volatility has value,” McClendon continued. “Our company makes additional money when we sell those calls.” What McClendon means is that his company can make money by selling deals to other companies that fear they will be left behind during brief periods of rising prices. For example, in 2008 Chesapeake sold interests in its shale plays to Plains, BP and StatoilHydro. Chesapeake made $10.3 billion on those transactions.

Why do I reach different conclusions about the Haynesville and other shale plays than some industry analysts? First, they are not industry insiders and, therefore, many do not incorporate true operational costs including interest expense for debt service, or netback gas prices into their evaluations. Second, investment company analysts are marketing a product and make a commission on stock that they sell to clients—their analyses cannot be truly objective. Third, they do little investigative research, and generally accept information on rates, reserves, and declines provided by the companies that promote these plays. They cannot have done independent decline analysis on the Haynesville Shale or they would have recognized the obvious reserve discrepancy (1.5 vs. 6.5 Bcf/well).

I expect shale plays to be part of the natural gas landscape for awhile, despite the fact that they are marginally commercial at best. Most companies in these plays have a lot of debt, and the only way to service the debt is to generate cash by drilling wells to produce gas.

The Haynesville Shale play appeared at a time when gas prices were rising. Companies rushed to pay great sums to obtain positions based on the irrational belief that prices would continue to rise. This is the same thinking that brought us the global financial crisis. The magnitude of capital expenditure for leasing and drilling illustrates a profound breakdown of due diligence by the financial and E&P industries.

It is difficult to imagine that the Haynesville Shale can become commercial when per-well reserves are similar to those of the Barnett Shale at more than twice the cost. Maybe the most recently completed wells will tell a different story; otherwise the Haynesville Shale play will likely be replaced by other shale plays that lose less money.
Posted by Arthur E. Berman at 6:44 AM

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This guy makes no sense! Basically, with no access to logs, cores, pressures, science, etc., he is calling the management teams and outside reservior engineering firms liars. On the face of his analysis he indicates that he doesn't have sufficient data to make the statements in his post. Further, he confuses costs at the corporate level with single well financial analysis. Finally, to quote 2008 leasing rates of $10,000 to $30,000/acre bears no relation to the market today and, frankly, bore no relationship to the market throughout most of 2008 except for about a four month feeding frenzy between May and September.

HK has stated that it has an average cost of $5,000/acre in its 300,000 acres and CHK has a negative cost because of the PXP JV. Finally, all leasehold cost is sunk cost today and irrelevent to a current drill/no drill decision--it is the net present value of the future net revenue stream.

He has no credibility with me.
I believe he' right on. Talks facts not the BS hype.
CB: Are you high???

To mention a few of his mistakes:

1. Economic limit of 1 MMCFPD: that limit is at least a factor of 10 off. 100 MCF/day might be more appropriate for a gas well in North Louisiana.

2. HS EUR's equal to Barnett EUR's: what a load of crap. In 5-6 months, many of these wells produce as much as one Barnett well

We could go on but another thread has completely debunked Mr. Berman as a crackpot, a know-nothing and an overpaid has-been who has let technology and the modern world scream past him. He may want to take a few lessons on decline curve analysis or data QA/QC.
I would expect for you to say that. Why don't you and Arthur get together and pool your brains and see if that will make a hummingbird fly upright.
Please tell me, why did you come back?
I, for one, could care less what you and Arthur have to say.
You do not have a clue.
Hey Buck, I have been suffering from a broke rib for the last 3 weeks, laughing, coughs, and sneezing hurt the most.
Phoey on this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LONG LIVE THE HAYNESVILLE SHALE HOWLED JACK BLAKE
He lists the wells in his map, you can go to sonris to check the production. You are all living in a dreamworld. From your comments very few of you understand the econmics and science relative to this play. However, I do understand your hope that this play makes you as royalty owners a lot of $. But let me tell you that the working interest partners are gonna take a bath. As I have said before, I believe this play will eventually become economical (as opposed to Mr. Berman) and will be our country's energy saviour. But just not right now. Hell, we're giving our gas away at these prices. They would be better off waiting until prices rise before drilling regardless of the acreage situation.
Jay - Per SONRIS, both of the wells that you mention are Lower Cotton Valley completions, not Haynesville Shale.
What's up with the "decline" curve on 237344? Am I reading that right? Looks like it increases.
6.5 BCF would come around pretty fast at that rate.
Ain't it interesting how often facts flying in the face of an agenda still mean the agenda wins.


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