Time for the first annual HS Well HOF based on initial flow rates. I have included wells that had an initial rate above 20 MMcfd.

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Good job, Les. GO THORN LAKE----GO SWAN LAKE------Go Grand Cane & Holly
And I couldn't be more excited about it, KB! Please note how many times you see CHK's name on the list. The well count is:
EP---1 Total--14
Come on, Chesapeake, show us something!!!!!
Go Thorn Lake - -- -- -Go Swan Lake-- - -- - -My Brother is in Swan lake area!!! Go Grand Cane & Holly!!! Just goes to show u money goes to money!!!
Les, don't forget the KCS well I asked you about.
CMK, I believe it is the following one (KCS = Petrohawk):

#2) 25125 Mcfd - Petrohawk, Roos #H32 Well, Serial #238585, S17-T16N-R11W
Gotcha, I forget they are one and the same. I do notice one operator missing from that list.
This is an excellent list. From a geography standpoint, these wells extend south/north from townships 13 to 16 and from east/west from ranges 9 to 14. Pretty good spread.
why is chesapeake seem to be doing so poorly in your opinion????
Kenya, Chesapeake said in their March Investor Presentation they have tested two wells @ > 22 MMcfd. But I don't think they have identified the specific well names.
Thanks Les, it makes my land in s35,t16,r11 look good!!!!!!
I've been told before that the two CHK wells > 20 mil are in Section 2 of 14/12 and Section 2 0f 15/14. We'll see eventually.
CHK (Trinadad and Nomac) has at the present time 4 or 5 rigs up and running in T11R15.

CHK is notorious for NOT reporting IP's on a timely basis as we all know.

Production from the 19 units in the above area WILL be eventually forthcoming, however.

For CHK to be THIS interested in this particular area, "sumpins' up !

Stay tuned, the "fat lady" hasn't sung yet!


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