The Future of our Exploration & Production business--Why we should have concerns

All of us should share my concern about the upcoming shortage of scientists to execute on the "Pickens Plan". Within the next 10 years, more than 75% of us will be retiring, leaving that to the remaining 25% who will have to carry the load. I copied the following letter from one of my geological publications--I think the writers views are shared by many of my peers. I did not post the writers name.

Having 30-plus years exposure to the
petroleum business and being a secondgeneration
oil person, I now find myself
talking to my two sons about their future.
They are in the process of having to
choose a college major – both are
leaning toward the earth sciences, but
are skeptical about the future based on
what has happened in the recent past.
I love the crazy pursuit of oil and gas
and will always keep at least one eye on
the business. However, I’m thinking my
sons probably will go in a different
direction, in part because of what
Washington is considering doing to our
beloved business. I suspect that there
are many other young people
considering a different direction, and that
is pretty sad.
Wake up Washington, indeed

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You are respected by the members of the site, would you please encourage everyone to sign the petition.
I'm thinking maybe we should just let the current power in Washington stick both feet in their mouths! As long as their back door taxing tactics keep getting foiled, those who weren't effected will keep voting for the bums! Let 'em get their cap and trade, let them trash healthcare, let them hit every voter with their broken promises "No Taxes" on under 250k folks! Let them run us all out of fuel!! Let them lose their Jobs!
Maybe then someone with a little common sense can undo their sorry leadership!
Jay, geologists don't retire, they just slow down and become consultants. By the way, I signed the petition. Been raining here. No way road to 31 finished by Monday!
I signed the petition. I also think there should be a petition for term limits in congress. Eight years-no more. Since we could never get term limits passed, the American people need to make up their minds to not vote for anyone that has been there eight years. vote for someone new, or we could simply write them off the ballot like we have write- ins on the ballot. This might keep them representing the people and not representing their own personal gain. Don't we live in a Democratic society where the people decide what laws will be passed or do we live under a dictatorship where the congressional leaders vote as they want and not as the majority of the people want. Send their butts home and lets get something accomplished. It's time for action on the home- front or there will not be a home-front much longer.

Yes we live in a Democratic Society, but we also live under a Representative Democracy as our chosen form of government. Those are 2 different things. You elect who you want to represent you.

But I do agree- THROW THE RASCALS OUT. ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todd M. Baker
Yes! But seems like our representatives have forgotten that they were elected to be servants of the people rather than the other way around!
All they look like their doing is trying to figure out how to take, take, take from everyone. What are we getting for our money?
Hopefully these next four years will go fast and the people will have a chance to change the change that is being (forced) upon us now.
I agree with this and more as it applies to many professions that have, until recently, been respected & valued. IMO, more gov't. regulations = more redundant paperwork, more redundant paperwork = reduced quality time OTJ, less quality time OTJ = decreased professional ownership & accountability. When one pursues a passion, looks to fulfill a purpose, it's usually not to fill out redundant paperwork or be restricted by government over-involvement.

Hope those young people can find purpose, fulfill their passions and make a difference.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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