Company trying to buy mineral interest from a nonparticipating mineral owner, what happens and how big might the well be?

I own non-participating mineral interest in Shelby County and up until a couple of months ago I didn't even know that it was a part of my families trust. I was contacted by a company wanting to buy the mineral interest. I'm not interested in selling but really curious about why they are buying the majority of interest like mine in the survey. I believe they might be buying for Chesapeake since I researched and found that they have assigned leases to Chesapeake in the past. By looking at county records it looks like a lot of people have sold their mineral interest in this survey.

My question is since the well has been drilled and the unit declaration is filed with the county, how and what should I do to make sure that Chesapeake has my information for when royalties do get paid?

I have been reading on this site about the well and trying to gather information. It is the Harvey #1 unit. I finally drove to the location in July since my curiosity was getting the better of me. They had holding tank and gas lines there. It didn't look connected yet. They had a water tank which looked like it was very new and full of water. This made me think that they might drill again either on the same pad or nearby.

Unfortunately other family members just signed and got their money without really thinking it through. They figured they didn't even know about it before and it's just money being handed out. I'm more of the why are they wanting to pay this amount, what's in it for them, kind of person.

Sorry my thoughts are kind of scattered but all this stuff floating around in my head makes me dizzy!

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curiousk. Suggest you cut and paste your discussion topic onto the Shelby County page. If you haven't checked the recent discussions and comments there, I suggest you do that also.
Thanks Skip, I will repost in Shelby page. I have been reading about the Harvey Unit on the Shelby page on a daily basis. It does seem that others believe this could be a good well. Thanks again for the reply!



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