This well, which is located in the Holley field, is in the testing phase. Does anyone know of the nearest producing well(s) in the same field and rate(s) of production? I cannot find a map that shows the numbered Townships to locate adjacent wells.

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LBM, Questar has said that well "clean-up" can take 2-3 weeks. But some operators are immediately choking the flow rate back once clean-up has been completed.

The clean-up primarily involves flowing back frac fluid as the proppant remains in the formation to keep the fractures open. A portion of the fluid will flow back initially at fairly high rates and then decline gas rate increasing. The remainder of frac fluid dribbles back over the well life.
Les, does choking a well back initially delay the 80% decline rate in the first year you discussed in an earlier post? If so, it seems an advantage to the leaseholder if the well was not opened fully until gas prices hopefully reach the $5 to $6 dollar figure forecast by many.

I got word from a friend in the oil business that the well on my lease was producing about 7mcfd in the flowback period about a week ago. Looks like it might not reach the size of the surrounding wells, but I am sure grateful for anything.
LBM, yes reducing the flow can slow the initial decline rate and allow the operator to minimize gas being sold at today's low prices.
Henry. How many of those sections are not already held by production? Subtract all of those from the 100+. Then subtract those sections already drilled or drilling by Encana and SWEPI. Then compile a lease term aging report on the remaining sections. You and I can both bet that Encana knows the answer to your question and is making their development plans accordingly. Encana is a very capable operator. SWEPI can go develop somewhere else. I like Encana.
I don't know what it means or how many acres total is involved but Encana/SWEPI assigned a large number of leases to Chesapeake a couple of weeks ago. It involved several different sections in 12n 12w, 13n 13w, 14n 11w, 14n 9w and a couple of others, including land owned by Martin Timber Company and San Patricio Company. The assignment does not itemize the amount of acreage in each lease assigned but I will look up a couple.

I just don't know the significance of the assignment. Anyone have any ideas?
I'll take a look at it. In the first two townships you mention, CHK had the greatest number of units. In 14N - 9W, CHK has or had none. Very interesting.
Need answers to something bugging me: RE: Sec. 7 of 14/14 Desoto. All around this area good wells are reporting. In Sec.7, Encana has most of the leased area (due to Scout Ranch), but Chesapeake is a very close 2nd with a Petrohawk having about 60 ac. Why aren't they drilling it? Looking at the Scout Ranch lease, it will run out in Sept. 2010. In Sec.18 of 14/14,(south half of Scout Ranch), Encana is getting ready to drill. Do any of you have any info on what could be happening? Did Encana assign this lease to Chesapeake?
Sounds to me like you've answered your question, Kittycatmama. If Encana'sdrill 14/14, Section 18, Section 7 of 14/14 can't be far behind. You can bet it will get drilled before Sept., 2010 if that is when the lease runs out. The Scout Ranch also comprises Sections 12, 13, & 14 of 14/15. Do you know if a pad has already been built in Section 18? I'm guessing, but don't know for sure, that Chesapeake would be the operatorin 14/15, Sections 12,13,&and14 as they are covered by different leases, I'm pretty sure.
Insomniacnla, some of the Haynesville Shale players have been cross-assigning leases as a means of maximizing ownership in operated units.
Its like go fish. Everone wants complete units whenever possible.
I did a brief tour of those sections on sonris, and found that most have no active, producing wells. So I'm guessing that most are not HBP.
Les B,

" . . . release of test information . . . " --- What is the best and most accurate place to go to find this info on a recently completed well ?

Thanks (again).



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